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Saturday 31 December 2016

Hate to see you go, Love to watch you leave (Repost)

So today marks the end of the year 2016 at exactly 00:00 hours; count down's begun and it's time to close our books and usher in the new year.
Yo! Hands up in the air if you're excited to see 2016 end. I pretty much am. 
Share with us, how was your 2016? Did you meet all of your goals? Like, all of 'em? Did you? Did you not? Did you lose the weight? Save more money? Laughed more? Lived more? Well whatever your response is, you did fine and that you're alive to see year's end is proof. In my previous post, I borrowed a movie line about not ticking your last tock and tocking your last tick. Well, it's true. Go on ticking until you run out of ticks. Oops, didn't mean to sound dreary.

Don't have much to say but as a family here at AsC, we say thank you for being there, for reading, for your feedback and above all, for sticking with us on this journey. We love you.

Before I sign out, here are a few highlights of 2016 in adniLs cornerville in case you missed them:

  • Here we're introduced to Ztembe and her workers' tale in Monday Moaners' Club
  • Here's Ana in Journal of a Missionary Wife
  • And in pieces of me, we have the Frank Friday entries
  • And our first ever debut guest post. Yaay, pretty much pumped about that one and lemme use the opportunity to encourage anyone that might have a write up to share with us. We'd love to feature you on here, feel free to contact us at
So that's that, there are much more but I said 'highlights' so stick around and search out this treasure land for yourselves.
Happy new year's eve friends.


Photo Credt: A friend

Friday 30 December 2016

Frank Friday: Alice Through the Looking Glass

Hello there, how's the holidays been? 
As for myself, I've been indoors reuniting with my movie self where I stumbled upon 'Alice through the looking glass' and upon the phrase; 'you have not ticked your last tock and tocked your last tick' *insertmentalgiggleshere*. For some reason I find it very funny but there's a valid message there. 

So, lemme give you the low down of what I've been up to;

  • At last minute, I decided to go down to the family home to spend the Christmas break. I had initially thought I was...well, let's forget that since it didn't happen.
  • Christmas came calling, answered the door unlike this young lady hereπŸ‘‡

  • Then spent the rest of the day and the days that followed indoors eating and watching movies amongst other things (I'd rather not say) until a friend dragged me out.

Well, I just made this post to say that you have not ticked your last tock nor tocked your last tick. πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜‚
Peace out.

Photo Credit:

Wednesday 28 December 2016

Who am I? - Annie

I've had 'Annie's' 'Who am I?' on repeat all day and it's doing a lot. It's put me in a sober mood basically that I don't feel like talking or doing anything other than think.

I'm enjoying this weather BTW sans the dust. It's nights like this I miss my hot blankie. Yeah, I once had a blankie that was electrically powered. I miss it.

I love this song.

Make every second count.

P.S: I actually came across a news item that's put me in this mood. I really need to keep away from the news but what's going on really?

God help us all.

Photo Credit:

Thursday 22 December 2016

To the lady in the long skirt...

To the lady in the long skirt

I see you daily
You in your flowing long skirts
Not minding that such's practically gone extinct
Yet you carry on
Like your flowing locks of hair

To the lady in the long skirt
I like your attire
Clothed in modesty's best
I'd like to be you
I'm glad I'm you

Your flowing long skirts to me
Represent unconformity
They speak to me
They tell me that I don't need to cater to society's standards of beautification or adornment

They tell deep things

They tell me that I don't need to be naked
To feel loved
That I don't need to go unclad
To be admired

You young lady are brave
You are strong
And I admire you

To the lady in the long skirt
Despite the ridicule
And the laughter
And the name calling
Keep being you

To the lady in the long skirt
You're the girl after my heart
Rock on girl
Don't believe the lie that you're outdated
And old-fashioned
And out of touch
And not fashion forward
Rock on girl
With your long flowing skirts

This is to that lady in the long flowing skirt...

Sunday 6 November 2016

Sunday Special: Journal of a Missionary Wife V

Hi there journal,

it's moi Ana, sure you know that. Well, here I am checking in. Today's sermon was really something and no, I'm not being biased.  Geoff looked so dashing seated at that altar today. I know I'm yet to mention how he got there (the wheelchair i.e) and I'm not so certain I'd be telling anytime soon. It still hurts that's why and I'm not so sure I'd like to revisit those memories, no.

Looking at him today, you wouldn't believe what he's had to go through. My Geoff's always been much stronger than I. Always has. God's been good to us I must confess. So, kids or no kids, I am dedicated to serving Him all the days of my life.

So journal, here's saying bye to all of my griping about starting a family. I sometimes ask myself what sort of life they'd have considering all of our non-stop movement. Well, over to You master of mine, Thou knowest best.

Bye journal.

Oh, I've got exciting news, I'm embarking on a new project. Geoff's feeling much better now and is beginning to get irritated by my constant hovering. He no longer needs me obviously and I no longer need him too (two can play that game lol). So! Get readyyy project of mine...
Take charge Lord.

Friday 4 November 2016

Frank Friday: I Gotta Feeling (November 6th)

Geez, hi guys. This inconsistency bug that keeps getting into me is just darn too strong, I need deliverance I tell you. Hopefully, I'll join the new wave of bloggers that'll make a new year resolution to keep the contents rolling in on a daily basis (each to his/her own).

So, how've we been? How's been the daily grind and hustle? I've been riding on cloud nine ever since November came knocking. Why because, it'll be my birthday in two - really short - days' time and I'm keeping real calm (ice queen things). It's a lie, can't keep calm else I won't be talking writing about it *biggrin*

I just came on here to tell ya'll that it's Friday and that it's time to unwind. Yeah, forget about the trials of the week, forget about the friend that failed to fulfill a promise, forget about the economy, forget about the bills to pay, forget about the peanuts you call salary. Yeah, fogerrit all and just focus on today, on now, on this very moment.

I'm learning the art of mindfulness, that is, being present and I tell you, it isn't easy. The very little success I've managed to achieve so far, I'm so celebrating it cos if that weren't so, I'd probably be worrying about the fact that I can't celebrate this year's birthday but who celebration don epp? So, back to the forgetting, fogerrit all broda, sista.

On being mindful, it didn't turn out the way I'd thought it would not that I'm not making progress cos I so am but it wasn't as easy as I'd thought it'd be. I mean, how difficult can it be to focus on the present right? Well, what I failed to do was factor in my errant, wander lust of a mind. 

My mind's prone to daydreaming and creating up myriad of fantasies so I tend to wander off along side it most times and it's almost always fun in there. It sometimes seems like it's got a mind of its own, you know, another mind of hers minding her (now I'm confused). Well, it just keeps racing on and on (always without me cos I don't race, I stroll) without nary a pause, whew.

It's really trying keeping it in check. No wonder I'm almost always exhausted, cos I'm always running after a naughty mind that won't be still. Well, since we're stuck with each other, I guess it wouldn't hurt to practice mindfulness every now and then. Aiite, I'm done here, you have a swell weekend and...

...nice talking to ya'll.
Peace and cakes.
Back to my 'ohms'.
SOTD (Song of the day) - 'I gotta feeling'...

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Monday 17 October 2016

MMC: Gripes

This is what happens when you have a shitty weekend, Ztembe fumed. Too short a weekend was the response she gave to all who bothered to ask how her weekend had been. Why can't there be a day between Sunday and Monday, why?

The Phone rings cutting her off from her mental diatribe.
"Yes?" she barks into the phone.
"Zee darling, I see your phone-tiquette has not much improved as your bedside manner," the voice drawls from the other end.

Ztembe's face undergoes an instant transformation, "Oh hi darling, I apologise. I've just been so caught up with work. It's like Monday's my personal demon sent to torment me."

There's laughter from the other end of the phone, "oh you! You've always had it in for Monday, free the lady jare."
"Lady ke? It's a man noni. Monday's so a man or what are you trying to say?" her voice tilts dangerously low as she asks the question.
"Abeg, I didn't call you to have a discourse on feminism or any of your other 'isms'. What time you closing from work?"
"Hmm, it's Monday o, let's consider that."
"Meaning I'm not so certain myself when I'd leave, but I'd give you a call when I'm about leaving. Is that ok?" she asks.
"That'll be fine." the voice confirms. "You didn't even ask me why I want to know," it continues.
"Jay, I know why you're calling, leave matter for Martha. Thanks for checking up on me, got something to look forward to now."
The voice laughs again, "you're welcome dear. So, I'd be expecting your call. Try not to kill someone today eh?"

Ztembe laughs off the comment and proceeds to end the call. Where art thou Monday? I'm ready for you.
Kool Kat

Sunday 16 October 2016

Sunday Special: Journal of a Missionary Wife 𐌠V

*Earlier in the day*

"When peace like a river
Attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows..."

Ana belts out the beautifully worded song while carefully digging out the weeds that threatened to choke her plants. She stops to wipe her face and picks up with her singing.

"...Whatever my lot

Thou hast taught me to say
It is well, it is well with my soul."

This is followed by a heavy sigh. The years have not been kind to her one could see. Her once lovely face carried lines of care that told their own stories. It has been two years since we last saw her and like the proverbial water that's passed under a bridge, a lot had happened.

"For me be it Christ
Be it Christ hence to live..."

The last line's broken by a sob, she seems visibly weighed down by whatever it is troubling her. She's jerked out of her thoughts when a voice calls out.

"Ana, Ana." The voice calls.

She quickly rises and makes a move to wipe her face while hurrying to answer the call. The whole environment has an abandoned feel to it. Like something that once was but was no more.

Quickly wearing a smile, as she enters a small wooden shed, she comments, "I see someone's up." she makes to kiss Geoff.

"I didn't want to disturb you but I needed to make use of the toilet." A pause, then "what's wrong?"
Putting on another face, a quizzical one this time "How do you mean?" Ana responds.

A warning bell goes off in Geoff's head. His wife was not given to answering questions with questions. Ana only ever answered a question with another question when she was trying to evade the question or giving the real answer or...another bell goes off.

"You don't look like yourself," he manages to say giving her a tight smile.
"I'm alright darling. Really." She adds seeing as he's set to fire another question. "So, let's get you moving."

With an ease that shows they've been through this routine plenty of times, she scoops him out from the bed and into the wheelchair placed conspicuously beside the bed.

Geoff's finally managed to sleep. I worry for him. A lot happened after the last meeting Geoff had with the elders and It brought with it a lot of change both good and bad.

It's been two years Lord; two years since our life was turned upside down. Two years of pain and hardship. Two years of tears and fears. Lord, two years.

When you asked me to trust you I had no idea what you had in mind but I do know that you're good always. I do know that you're going through this with us. I feel consoled when I imagine you going hungry too, it brings a smile to my face like now. Yes, you do certainly know how it feels to be homeless and hungry almost always.

I wonder if things would've turned out differently had I taken Numi's dream seriously? What if I had told Geoff and not kept it to myself? What if I had probed Numi deeper? What if-

*sigh* enough with the 'ifs' Ana dear, it's happened. A lot has indeed happened and my dream of starting a family seems more farther away than ever. Why won't Geoff talk about it? I mean, I can't be the only one aching to hold my child in my arms am I?

Oh, how I wish-
Wishes won't help now, I shouldn't feel this way about Geoff considering all he's had to go through. Father forgive me, I feel so petty and selfish sometimes.

It's a good thing no one knows of this journal. I bet they'd pass out should they ever come to know how weak I really am, how poorly equipped I am to be their teacher.

Your strength's made perfect in my weakness Lord, take charge.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

The Independent Life

Yay, happy independence day Nigeria (nah, it ain't too late). There's this small voice telling me that I'm being double faced, that I know what I'm doing. I chose to ignore that voice, my greeting still stands good citizens of Nigeria. We're how old again? Since the emancipation that is.

Answer that in your head, but shey you know we're getting old?

Well, it was a saturday over here and I did spend it at a wedding. Sending out hoozahs, howzit going? So, still on the independence matter, I'll be sharing a lil bit about the pains joys of growing up and growing old. Uhm, growing up and growing old? Ok, I'm correct. Today, I have a guest post (yaaaaay). This piece is as a result of a dare and surprisingly, it yielded result. *feeling like a proud teacher*. So here goes.
I woke up today and realised I was no longer the fresh, cute, handsome Uniport* guy I once was; it suddenly dawned on me that I no longer receive calls and messages (both the necessary and unnecessary ones) again...

I no longer receive the "send me your account number" messages again. Instead people send their account numbers to me...

I no longer have 1000+ number of friends again and at least 5 visits a day from some....

I no longer carry food stuffs from home like I used to when resuming new school sessions. Instead, I now go to the market by myself to buy rice, beans, Garri, palm oil, groundnut oil, crayfish, salt, provisions etc.

I no longer come home and just enter the kitchen and find something to eat; now, I come home and begin to think of what to eat or not....

I no longer get upkeep money instead I now pay for light bill, LAWMA* bill, security bill, compound dues....

I began to ask myself what happened?.. Answer: MATURITY!! Like me, many of you out there must have asked this same question at one point or the other.

Things are happening so fast and you are confused...You are hoping things will get better... My dear, you don dey old....Nothing will change if you just sit down and do nothing...Before you know it, grey hairs will start showing up and you haven't achieved anything.

You are 30 years and still confused like disco light (Chai)! You are 40 years and still not sure of what to do with yourself (who do you this thing)? Me, I'm 25 years and I haven't achieved one-quarter of all I planned to achieve by now...Mba nu, IrΓ².... Something has to be done... We can't continue like this.

I encourage everyone who understands what I'm saying; who are in this with me to take a stand and make that change...Take that step... Make that move....

Even God wants you to grow, expand and increase.... You have dwelt too long in one spot... Receive grace for speedy acceleration...

As for me, I'm reviewing and reevaluating my goals...
From a nominal Christian to a world changer.
From thousandnaire to millionaire.
So! You've heard read from my guest author. Time stands still for no man you know. It's time to buckle up and hit the ground running especially now one’s got the advantage of youth. I mean, if you do not chase your dreams in your youth, when will you start?
No one said growing up would be easy but it's so worth it. See what I mean here.

Thank you guest author, I must say, I've learnt something.

*University of Portharcourt
*Lagos Waste Management

Photo Credit:

Friday 30 September 2016

Lil. Ms. Poochie

It was a gloomy day with dark clouds, a blistering wind and an even darker mood. I had refused every offer of warmth and obstinately set out in quest of my dog, little Ms. Poochie. Lil Ms. had never stayed out this long and I was beginning to worry. In spite of the cold and cough that wracked my tiny frame, I was determined to find her. You see, my lil Ms. had once saved me and now it was my turn to save her.

I was a lonely child, sad and bitter and angry with the world. I was the one to always get into trouble and always the one to bring home bad news. My tanta says I'm the harbinger of evil. Even at birth, I killed my own mother. How evil could I get?

Thus branded, I was careful to not do anything to draw attention to myself; I kept to myself and endeavoured to always be on my best behaviour but trouble always seemed to follow me around confirming tanta's opinion of me. I was desolate and devised several means to write off my life but I was too cowardly to follow through. And then one day, lil Ms. hobbled into my life. I took to her instantly. 

Like me, she had been battered and looked half starved. Her ear was torn and bleeding, I presumed she had been involved in a dog fight. You see, dogs like humans share a lot in common even though I sometimes think they're smarter, the big dogs pick on the smaller and weaker dogs. Now I know why they call it a dog-eat-dog world, that statement had always puzzled me.

Lil Ms. was my saviour in many ways, I learnt to know what it meant to be loved and to love, I learnt to laugh and to play (lil Ms. says I ought to play all day, that it's my right). Above all, I learnt to forgive.

One day, my tanta had beaten me for no good reason and banished me from her presence. I was forbidden to cry before her and so poured it all on poor lil Ms. I kicked at her and bawled out my eyes, I could tell that she was hurt with the way she looked at me just as she hobbled off.

I was sorry to see her go but was too mad to care. After I had calmed down, I went looking for her in all her favourite places; at the pond where she liked to bark at the ducks, at the flower bed where she pretended to be a pretty flower and at the churchyard where she liked to lie and gaze up at the sky, but she wasn't there.

Now I was worried, it would rain soon and I had yet to find lil Ms. My lil Ms. never liked rainstorms, they drove her crazy. I remember her restless pacing, how she used to whimper and howl, I must find her before the storm broke. I'm sorry lil Ms. Please come back.

Now I'm crying, the tears mingling with the rain. I was sorry I'd shouted at her and kicked her. I was sorry I had thrown stones at her. I was sorry I had treated her as my tanta had treated me. I was sorry for it all. I was even more sorry cos she didn't deserve it, she who had loved me with dog-like devotion, I'm sorry lil Ms.

*In loving memory of Cornell.

Photo Credits: Pentaxuser, Flickr.