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Showing posts with label Humor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humor. Show all posts

Monday, 22 January 2024

The Fight

I recently had an encounter with malaria and by Jove, it was horrible. I can count on one hand how many times I'd fallen this sick, such aggression, I'd never encountered. You can guess who won right?๐Ÿ˜

*Cue in "stand up for the champion"*

So guys, that was how it went down. I was really angry at the doctor though, Lord forgive me, I thought he'd given a subpar medication.๐Ÿ˜„I mean, I'm treating stuff and it's refusing to go away?๐Ÿ˜„ Now I can laugh about it, but it wasn't funny then.

Oh well, all's well that ends well, I give God the glory.

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

On being a wall flower

I'd start by saying, as a wall flower your default answer should be no. At all times (I'll expatiate on that in another post). Today's for the wall flowers in the hizzouse (a show of hands please✌)๐Ÿ˜‚

So here goes:
  1. At all times, turn down offers to attend social functions. Yep, end of post. That's what being a wall flowers's all about, saying no. Lol, ok not the end.
  2. If perchance you were tricked or coerced or for whatever reason you decide to go, arrive early, you don't want anyone to see you arriving do you? If you find yourself running late, try to slip in quietly and unobtrusively. Let it be that you just did appear out of thin air. 
  3. Dress to blend
  4. Find your spot; a vantage point where you can see all and not be seen
  5. Befriend the couch and do not for any reason disengage from it.
  6. Note all exit points in case of emergencies like needing a breath of fresh air or escaping loudmouths or/and for quick and easy getaway. You'll thank me later ๐Ÿ˜‰
So that's that, got any more to add? But why would you want to be a wall flower anyways? Being a wall flower's not for the faint of heart just so you know๐Ÿ˜‹

Disclaimer: This is a tongue in cheek post by the way.

Nah, I lied but personally, I enjoy being a wall flower. Infact,  it's one of my hobbies. I own it. Cheers, gotta run.... 

I love that photo, it's from my phone's wallpaper collection. 

Friday, 30 December 2016

Frank Friday: Alice Through the Looking Glass

Hello there, how's the holidays been? 
As for myself, I've been indoors reuniting with my movie self where I stumbled upon 'Alice through the looking glass' and upon the phrase; 'you have not ticked your last tock and tocked your last tick' *insertmentalgiggleshere*. For some reason I find it very funny but there's a valid message there. 

So, lemme give you the low down of what I've been up to;

  • At last minute, I decided to go down to the family home to spend the Christmas break. I had initially thought I was...well, let's forget that since it didn't happen.
  • Christmas came calling, answered the door unlike this young lady here๐Ÿ‘‡

  • Then spent the rest of the day and the days that followed indoors eating and watching movies amongst other things (I'd rather not say) until a friend dragged me out.

Well, I just made this post to say that you have not ticked your last tock nor tocked your last tick. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚
Peace out.

Photo Credit:

Friday, 2 September 2016

Frank Friday: Ramblings, Mutterings and What Nots

Gosh, I feel so fagged out. I laughed long and loud in my head at that expression. The last time I used that was in my secondary school days. Oh those were the days. We had a variety of slangs at our disposal that our speech never lost its flavoured touch.

There was never a boring gist. Whose gist would be boring when one had such an arsenal of northern spiced slangs to choose from? Now I'm "irin feeling tech" lol (only my school mates will relate with this).

All of my life, I've stayed in the north and though I don't speak the language, I'm much more northerner than southerner (is that correct? My head's kinda fuddled right now).

It's been a tedious week and I'm undergoing a spell of laziness with this blog. No, I don't think it's laziness, I don't just have enough energy to expend on it right now I think. Will be back with a bounce I promise. Once I'm done figuring out my life that is. I'm always having to figure out my life I don't understand again o, shuo. Am I alone in this? Anyways, just promise you'll wait for me? *batseyelashes* tashakor.

Photo Credit: Nil
(Of course it'd be nil. Did you see any photo there?) Lol

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

I Have An Axe to Grind... as do you.

I'm sorry, what were you expecting? Lol. It's a slow day for me and I was just Idly wondering about idioms, idiomatic expressions. I wonder where that word was coined from cos were I to translate literally or give it my best shot I'd call them idiotic expressions. But hey, let's be honest, some do sound idiotic don't they? Especially when you reason them quite literally e.g flying by the seat of one's pants, its meaning is so far off flying and pants.


Ironically, it's the same way with grammatically correct speech. Speaking correct English (like really, pronunciations on fleek, stress points flawlessly pulled off et al) sounds incorrect. You say the right thing and then do a double check like, wait, is that correct? Take this sentence for instance; "It's high time we left" or its variant, "It's time we left." I bet you, there are people who will argue from now till high noon that it's incorrect. It does sound incorrect sef.

I could go on and on with this language called English. It has always fascinated me and was my fave subject that year-dunno about now.

Well, I'm done fascinating, no be my language. Thanks for dropping by, bye. *grins*

Photo Credit: Google

Monday, 18 July 2016

MMC: A Case for Monday

Hi friends, as a wee bit of reminder;
"Monday Moaners' Club (MMC) is a series of short - really short - stories loosely based on the grief all some of us seem to feel whenever Monday rolls round armed with tons of work."
Enjoy its new episode. 
"Court," the orderly tries to bring order back into the rowdy room, “Court," he shouts again. The judge bangs his gavel and this time the room quiets down. “Call in the next case," he says to the registrar. 

This particular case from the onset had been a very interesting one, the People vs: Monday, he couldn't wait to hear the defendant's testimony.

"I call upon Mr. Grouch," the orderly declares.

A big grumpy man makes his way noisily to the witness stand. He answers some questions and having undertaken the oath to speak the truth, the proceedings continue. The next witness, Monday is called upon and takes the stand.

"Mr. Monday, you stand accused of sleep thiefery, doldrumming, traffic jams, forceful sobriety, cold showers and hurried breakfasts among several other counts. How plead you?"

"Not guilty my lord."

The judge looks at him askance and he goes on to elaborate.

"My lord you see, human beigns are creatures of habit, circumspect beings and if they aren't pushed, they won't attain their peak. I'm the first day of the working week hence it falls upon me to make sure they hit the ground running as that'll set the pace for the rest of my colleagues, I make it easy for them. Should I fail, the rest of the days would be a flop until flouncy Friday comes along to take them for a fun ride. The mess thereafter is left for me to clean up and I cannot fail my superiors now can I?"

Though he wasn't found guilty, he wasn't acquitted either. So I leave it to you readers, is Monday as bad as he is made out to be?
Have a stress free week ya'll...


Photo Credit: Google.

Friday, 6 May 2016

Frank Friday: Cheap Thrills

TGIF? Ok, this is meant to be like a tongue-in-cheek responsorial piece to Sia (I must say, I like Sia. A lot) but I'm honestly not trying to be funny. Do well to look out for those small bursts of seriousness, it wouldn't hurt to pick out some home truths to run with.
So, Sia wrote a song 'Cheap Thrills' and like the human being that I am, rather than listen to songs that intrigue me, I first scope out the lyrics. If it's A-okay, I zoom off with it. But if it's Z-not-ok, OYO (on your own).
While Sia's message is about not having to clear one's bank account in order to have fun, I can't help but dwell on that word 'Cheap Thrills' cos most times that's what we engage in compared to life's bigger picture.
Our society thrives on instant gratification. See it? Covet. Like it? Buy. Want it? Possess. Why wait when you can have it now?? We've taken to satisfying our wants by all means without entertaining thoughts of how it may shape our future. YOLO right? So why not take the chance? Let the future take care of itself.
Swallowing quantity/hype over quality which satisfies for a while and then leaves you aching and longing for more. These cheap thrills are everywhere and come in different wraps and packaging, glittery and alluring.
Cheap thrills = present wise, future foolish or as a friend puts it; play now, pay later.
Can't remember where I was going with this post, but here's my answer to the ones who constantly badger me to go have fun, especially when your idea of fun is 'questionable', I don't do cheap thrills, ha ha. Enjoy the weekend folks.
No offence Sia, we still good.
Trivia: Why do I like Sia?
Photo Credit: 7×7

Thursday, 21 April 2016

No beating around the Bush

Hello lovelies, it's been tons and tons of activities this past week that I totally got swamped. So, this post's a little bit of here, there and nowhere, alI at once. I'm that good, lol. We kick off with gratitude.

Life's not a bed of roses, we all know that. It however shouldn't take away from our humanity. Speaking about humanity, a certain someone- George, CEO Nitewakawas humane enough to design my very own logo, I'm so thrilled *singsongvoice*.Talking about logos, noticed anything different? *grins* Yup, I've been doing some tinkering. So that's that for gratitude, moving on.

I came across this piece online and as with all things literature, I was tickled pink. Enjoy.

Beating around the Bush

Using idioms I find 

Could make you really ’blow your mind’
If you have ever ’rocked the boat’ 
Or got yourself ‘on someone’s goat’
You know that you could always be
‘Sent to distant Coventry’

If you’re ‘down on your knees’

‘Or out like a light’
If you ‘can’t see the wood for the trees’
You’re ‘on the wrong track’
‘Under the weather’
Remember that ‘life is a breeze’

When you’ve got ‘a hot tip’

Or you’re ‘on a good thing’
You’re at a loose end’, but ‘your chips are all down’
Are those ‘chips on your shoulder?’
Or ‘off the old block?’
You’re better off ‘playing the clown’.

With ‘your nose to the grindstone’

‘Your back to the wall’
‘Your head in the clouds’
‘Pulling strings’
“Life goes on’ it’s not over, not over at least
At least ‘til the fat lady sings’

Copyright Tim Hunter 2016.

P.S: I did mention that this post was all over right?

Photo Credit: Google

Friday, 18 March 2016

Babysitting the Phone

It was the height of boredom, the lowest of spirits and the laziest of days that made me sit by my phone. Waiting for it to ring, to beep, to do anything. Just one beep, one sound I silently plead. 

Within, I brace myself, breath held willing for the phone to do something; anything. With the situation I found myself in, I was willing and ready to take anything-or so I thought-as self-validation, to show that I was important, I was loved, I was missed. That I was cherished and highly treasured.

So sat me by the phone all day.

“Ring, ring” cries the phone. This jerks me out of my thoughts - deep, deep thoughts. Finally, I crow with delight, feeling pleased with my wishing skills (my genie’s the best). It is with joy that I pick the call. But wait! Who calls? 

It’s a network call, advertising their decent call tariffs. I sigh and begin the long wait all over. At least, the phone did ring even if it was only my network provider trying to rip me off. Oh well, I was remembered I console myself.

Photo Credit: ijustmetme

Sunday, 14 February 2016

In the name of Love

Love's in the air.
On cupid's wings it rides.
In our sleeping.
In our dreaming.
In our waking hours.
It hovers.
No thanks a little.
To St. Valentine's mettle.
P.S, I totally dig cheesy :)
Yasssss๐Ÿ˜, it's that time again, that season, where we get to pull a fast one with the term 'love' - and by 'we', I mean you cos I'm absolutely, completely, undeniably innocent of any wrong doing๐Ÿ˜œ.

It's Valentine's Day and the 'L' word gets to have a comeback, to have its turn in the spotlight. It will be dragged out despite its protests of the timing not being right, bandied around, coerced, cajoled and even threatened - but it won't go extinct I assure you.

Oh poor love, now I understand why you hover, you're anxious. I am too because sadly, much atrocities will be done in your name. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that you're beautiful and worth celebrating. Feb 14th is much touted as lovers' day - though I wonder, why not Nov 6th?- and vigorously celebrated but it shouldn't end there, it ought transcend the limits of a day because it's special.

Love is beyond been tucked away and preserved for specials occasions like that dress you've got hanging in your closet which you've never worn because that special occasion's still to arrive. Every day's a special occasion in case you don't know or you've forgotten. But I digress, love ought to be an everyday act, a conscious effort on our parts. The sad thing however's that it'll be everywhere but where it ought to be, our hearts. For as much as we confess love, we also should try to show it, there's a great divide between confession and expression. But what do I know?
Mopey Happy Valentine's day ya'll๐Ÿ˜€.

P.P.S, it's all about this
Self love

Sunday, 10 January 2016

A Day at The Police Station

"How did you find yourself here Linda?" I asked myself. There was no inkling whatsoever that the day would turn out the way it did. I had just finished screaming TGIF when it happened, my phone was missing. I searched around and asked questions hoping someone was trying to prank me (as usual). After series of negative responses, I had to face it, my phone was missing. This led me to pull a Sherlock Holmes, retrace my last activities. When last did I use it and where did I place it afterwards?

One reenactment after another, I realized it didn't even make it to the office with me. Where did I miss it? That was when it dawned on me that not only was my phone missing but my purse as well and it's entire contents because you see, I had taken a selfie just outside my house and had hurriedly pursed it and the said purse shoved into an already bulging bag filled with odds and ends.

With so many important items in that purse, I didn't hesitate to report it at the nearest police station and that was how I found myself in a Police Station, whew.
I got you right?๐Ÿ˜‚

Photo Credit: Google