For some strange
reason that I can't even make sense of, I decided at last minute to wrap up
this month with a post. This month for me was far from being perfect and was
really a lazy one. And I'm not just talking about the blog alone but all round
- work, academics, relationships, every.
For some inexplicable reason, I've
been pretty much low key with few bursts of adrenaline in between which
afterwards led to burn out. I'm even surprised that I have the energy to put up
this post. No, I'm not overworked and no, I'm not tired. I just feel...ennui.
Yeah, I think that's it.
In between
the few spells of energy bursts, I've been stuffing myself with food. Yeah,
this March was really pretty weird for me. I was demotivated and a little bit
down I must confess. Probably 'cos I felt kinda alienated and who's responsible
for said alienation? My humble self. Well, if
there's anything I've learnt about so far in all of these' that:
- Always go with the flow. In the end, I'll feel better for it. If I'm down, it's OK, be down. If I want to be alone, it's OK, be alone. If I stuff my face with food, please don't go beating yourself up about it, just go with the flow 'cos I know that these too shall pass and when it does pass, things get better. Which brings me to...
- I usually come back revitalised and ready to take on the world after these spells. It's as if I have to pass through the valley so as to better appreciate the view from the mountain top.
- One's friends (if they're really yours) will always be there waiting for you. They won't make you feel bad or guilty for feeling the way you do and acting it out. No they won't. Highest, they'd give you the space you desire and then watch for the signs that says "no danger here, safe to approach". That sounds messed up, I know but it's the truth. True friends wont leave you hanging or pressure you into acting some typa way. They just let you be. If you want to be.
That's not
all, but I feel drowsy and so that'll be all. Thanks for reading, bonne nuit.
so, that was a 2017 post that I'd forgotten somewhere in the archives. Compared to then and now...hold on, lemme see what's different...A lot!😉
Bye darlings...