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Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts

Sunday, 31 March 2019

Weird, Weirder, Weirdest

For some strange reason that I can't even make sense of, I decided at last minute to wrap up this month with a post. This month for me was far from being perfect and was really a lazy one. And I'm not just talking about the blog alone but all round - work, academics, relationships, every. 

For some inexplicable reason, I've been pretty much low key with few bursts of adrenaline in between which afterwards led to burn out. I'm even surprised that I have the energy to put up this post. No, I'm not overworked and no, I'm not tired. I just feel...ennui. Yeah, I think that's it.

In between the few spells of energy bursts, I've been stuffing myself with food. Yeah, this March was really pretty weird for me. I was demotivated and a little bit down I must confess. Probably 'cos I felt kinda alienated and who's responsible for said alienation? My humble self. Well, if there's anything I've learnt about so far in all of these' that:
  1. Always go with the flow. In the end, I'll feel better for it. If I'm down, it's OK, be down. If I want to be alone, it's OK, be alone. If I stuff my face with food, please don't go beating yourself up about it, just go with the flow 'cos I know that these too shall pass and when it does pass, things get better. Which brings me to...
  2. I usually come back revitalised and ready to take on the world after these spells. It's as if I have to pass through the valley so as to better appreciate the view from the mountain top.
  3. One's friends (if they're really yours) will always be there waiting for you. They won't make you feel bad or guilty for feeling the way you do and acting it out. No they won't. Highest, they'd give you the space you desire and then watch for the signs that says "no danger here, safe to approach". That sounds messed up, I know but it's the truth. True friends wont leave you hanging or pressure you into acting some typa way. They just let you be. If you want to be.
That's not all, but I feel drowsy and so that'll be all. Thanks for reading, bonne nuit.
so, that was a 2017 post that I'd forgotten somewhere in the archives. Compared to then and now...hold on, lemme see what's different...A lot!😉
Bye darlings...

Saturday, 9 February 2019

Doing it afraid

You can't breathe
You can't think
Your Palm's sweaty
Your heart's racing
You repeat the mantra;
"it's well, it's well"
But reprieve comes not

Then you think
Maybe, just maybe
You can't do this after all
This isn't your call
This isn't your path
You must've misheard/misread/misunderstood
This isn't for you

You talk yourself out of it
Yes, you must have misheard 
After all, you don't have the skills
You're not as well read/spoken as Ms. B
Neither as confident as she
Surely, you won't be taken seriously
You think

I'm sure we've all found ourselves in the aforementioned scenario at some points in our lives.  It's a dicey situation sometimes, however, I dunno what to say to you other than, "just do it!" What ever it is that “it” is, just do it. This is my message, and it's for me as well as for you, just do it.


Sunday, 16 April 2017

Easter Sunday Special: A Man of Sorrows

Easter for me is the whole essence of Christianity - resurrection day. If Christ had not risen, what message would we be preaching today? What hope would we have as believers? No resurrection, no Christianity. I want to imagine an alternate reality where the resurrection didn't take place. Peter would've probably gone on to become head of the fishermen council and we'd never have heard of him again, end of story. John, the beloved would've probably been so overtaken by grief that he pined away into obscurity and we'd not have had the Revelations. As for the rest, well, everyone would've have taken heed to the cry, "to your tents oh Israel"* and dispersed, never to be heard of again. And as for me? Well, I'd probably not be here by now, having listened to the lies of the enemy and gone down the way of Judas. 

So you see, Easter's not just a mere celebration for me. I'm celebrating the new life God gave me through his Son Jesus. I'm celebrating the fact that death's been conquered in victory forever. I'm celebrating the fact that by the resurrection, I've been given a new lease on life. I'm celebrating a whole lot of things, what are you celebrating?

During the church service this morning, I could barely keep from crying. The choir ministered two songs that took up entire new meanings for me; Cece Winans' 'It Wasn't Easy' and Nicole Mullen's 'My Redeemer Lives'. These words stuck out; "Don't think for a moment that I never felt the pain..don't take it lightly what I've wasn't easy, but it was worth it."

Check out those two songs (lyrics) on the net in case you're not familiar with them. One last word, know Jesus for yourself. If you don't know him, you haven't started living (truly). He's the best thing that can ever happen to anyone (word).

A man of sorrows is what Isaiah used to describe him. He became nothing to make us everything. It's recorded in scriptures that he grew up just like us (imagine your growing up years). Yep, he was also brought up that way. There was nothing special about him. He didn't have the majestic presence of a king nor the mighty carriage of a warrior neither was he finely clothed. He was just like us; a mere man, a carpenter. He probably would've been referred to as a peasant were it to have been the Elizabethan era, yet there was no doubt as to who he was. All of Earth's creation testifies of Him. The only Man to have tasted death and live. The only Man that holds the keys to death and the grave.*

I could go on and on trust me, but I wanted this to be a short post for your edification and mine as well and so I ask, do you know this Man, the Son of Man?

Happy resurrection day...
And may it find expression in our lives...

*1kings 12 :16

*Revelation 1:18

Photo Credit: YouVersion - The Bible App

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Dream Chasers

She's a dream chaser
No dream's too small or too big.
When I published this post, in my heart of hearts I knew the author was talking to me (dunno about you). It struck a cord deep down on the inside of me (that's not grammatically correct btw). I've always had my friends see my potential even before I see them, I dunno why. God's blessed me with an amazing set of people who are always looking out for me and for that I'm grateful. I do abuse the privilege sometimes Lord knows *coversface* but I'm glad to know that they've got my back anyday, anytime even over our long stretches of silence.

Yeah, I can be silent sometimes. Really silent. Were I to be a man, I'd be known as the strong and silent type (lol).

Once a friend knew about a particular skill set I possessed, the next thing would be them urging me to do something with it, go train it or walk it or whatever, don't just leave it idle.

I'm seated in my room and I ought to be asleep. I mean, sleep's practically crooning in my ears to come to my not so appealing bed but I want to put this down before I turn in.

If there's one thing I've realised is that our fears are just that. Fears. Groundless fears. Baseless fears. Ok, some might be based on something but that's not the point. The point is, even knowing that our fears are groundless, does that still change anything? No.

Most of us' got big dreams and huge awemazing ideas but fear keeps us caged in. It closes us in like a predator and we like the typical prey, turn tail and run.

I believe I'll elaborate on this post another day but one thing I want to say, it's advisable to remove yourself from the noise every once in a while. By noise, I mean anything that'll act as distraction to you meeting your goals.

I started something this year and I'm so thrilled. The signs were just too many to be ignored.

Having said that, I want to use this medium to encourage anyone with a dream; you've nursed it long enough, it's time to let it go forth.
Don't be afraid of failing; be afraid of not trying.
Photo Credit: Omoniyi David. That's a picture of my friend btw, she's a fashion designer; Secafitz. I love what that picture says to me. I'll gush about it another day, not today tonight.
