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Friday 26 January 2024

Workaholics United

This is for my workaholics, this year, try to take a breather every once on a while. You'll be thankful you did😉

I do enjoy playing with rhymes, not every time a long poem; short but to the point. Enjoy😊

Monday 22 January 2024

The Fight

I recently had an encounter with malaria and by Jove, it was horrible. I can count on one hand how many times I'd fallen this sick, such aggression, I'd never encountered. You can guess who won right?😁

*Cue in "stand up for the champion"*

So guys, that was how it went down. I was really angry at the doctor though, Lord forgive me, I thought he'd given a subpar medication.😄I mean, I'm treating stuff and it's refusing to go away?😄 Now I can laugh about it, but it wasn't funny then.

Oh well, all's well that ends well, I give God the glory.

Friday 5 January 2024

Lost Hearts

The heart of man, hmm, who can fathom it? Thankfully, I've handed over such matters of mystery to my Abba because, I really can't deal or begin to decipher what goes on in there and thankfully, yet again, I'm in good hands. The hands of He who knows our intents and all that goes on within, I rest my matters with Him. I refuse to begin to analyse and psychoanalyse His creatures' doings and/or undoings, it'd drive me nuts. 

One thing I know for certain is that, how I see you, I take you. I cannot begin to do the work of the Holy Spirit whose sole purpose is to convict man's spirit and bring about a transformation, a change. No, I'm not He, so I leave myself at the mercies of God, who is not man. This is my story. 

Well, a happy new year to you.🥳

This write-up brought a Kirk Franklin's song with a similar title to mind. An old, old friend, that song.

SOTD: Lost hearts by Kirk Franklin

Monday 1 January 2024

2024 itself

Whew, happy new year! Whooo

I began my year with an adventure, haha. How about you? 

I know the start of a new year holds so much significance for a lot of us; a fresh start, new beginnings, second chances and all. So, as we begin the year 2024, it's my prayer that all that you desire, all that you hope for, may they happen to you swiftly.

Here's to 2024 and all that it brings.

Happy new year,


Sunday 31 December 2023

A wonderful year ends


It's the last day of the year 2023🥳🥳, congratulations.

It's been God for us, it's been God for us. Wow! Yeah, wow cos collectively, we've been through a lot but here we are, saying goodbye and looking with hope filled eyes at 2024, isn't God good?

Whatever it is that we're doing, whatever it is that we started and didn't finish or couldn't continue in the last year, I'd like to say continue. Finish it in the new year. Don't throw in the towel or beat yourself up cos of a time frame that you gave yourself. I mean, you're alive to continue right? That's the most important thing if you ask me; the gift of life. 

It's quite easy to get lost in the details of hitting ones' goals and targets but let's try to remember that it is the living (and the healthy living btw), that can smash goals. Believe me, if you were in the hospital fighting for your life, the last thing you'd be thinking of is meeting goals and targets.

So as we reflect and count down to the new year, let's try to give ourselves some credit, we have tried, and more importantly, God has tried for us. Whew!

Saturday 30 December 2023

The Burden of Grief

It creeps up on you unexpectedly 

Bringing with it, dead weight

With no time frame of its departure

And so you wait

You wait for the pain that'll soon hit

A pain so deep you feel you can't breath

A pain that feels like drowning

Gasping for air that isn't forthcoming 

Then you wait some more

For the reprieve, however brief that comes afterwards 

You wait for the guilt to hit

Yes guilt because the had I knowns become what ifs

For the wishes however vain, of doing it all over again

And then you wait, again

For the pain to subside

For the tears to stop flowing

For the ache to end

It's a waiting game

One that never ends

Cos this game, you'll play it over and over

In different ways

Different climes and times

Different scenarios 

A never ending cycle

All you can do is wait

For it to run its course

Friday 29 December 2023

2024 in a bit

I'm back!
Am I? *Thinks in unplanned hiatus*
2022 came, I said same thing
2023, same
2024, well, at least I've put pen on paper (finger to screen) and published this, so yes I'm back. I really am.

I realise I broke things off abruptly *cue in the break up cliché* it wasn't you, it was me, really and truly. Life changed and I wondered about how best to bring it on here, to put it on the blog, and if I wanted that at all. You know, all of my business out here, and then with all that indecision hanging around in my head, it just turned into a hiatus, a totally unplanned one😊

But it turns out it was necessary. So you see, it worked out good and now I'm back *cue in another popular cliche* better and stronger 😂 

I realise we're not yet in 2024 but what's another 2 days to you? Welcome to 2024 & I wish you a Merry Christmas. By the way, "adniL's corner" is in transition. I have no clue what/where we're transiting to, but I beg of you to not leave us, hang in tight and let's see what this pupa metamorphoses into. 


Wait, wait, wait please. Did you notice the photos I used? *preens in AI generated images pride* 

Yes, I created those and for some reason, I feel so fulfilled. Maybe it's because I've been wanting to jump on that bandwagon for sometime now, or maybe *dramatic gasp in sudden insight* having images for the blog wouldn't be so challenging now😁 *dances in eureka* I may also seem to have found a new love for all these inserts (asterisked comments?)😅

Abeg, bye guys, before I carry una go where we no know.

Toodles 😊

Tuesday 27 June 2023


A blank page at me stares
Why, I wonder
To be inked?
Be filled with verses?
Be soaked in tears?

To bear the whispers of imaginary voices?
Of thoughts cajoled into words?
To carry on long standing traditions
Of bulky volumes and sloppy handprints?

Still waiting

Straight lines and slanted writing
Like a fun house mirror,
Tilting the perception of things
Turning what ifs to why nots
Putting flesh to thoughts
And life to words


An act of patience
The silence of thinking
The sound of scribbling
On a blank page that stares at me
Waiting to be filled

Image, courtesy of @plethorae_jewelry

Tuesday 5 January 2021



Happy new year folks, it's been God for us, it's been God for us. 

The past year's been an interesting one; intersecting dramas, events and what nots. If nothing else, it's reiterated the fact that time waits for no one and nothing's written in stone. It's also drummed home the fact that while we scurry around making our plans, ultimately, it's God who does bring them into fruition. It also reminded me of how frail and vulnerable man really is and that, we're all doing life together. That we're all connected whether we like it or not as what affects one, affects all. 

Save, save, save, emergencies don't announce themselves and strive to have multiple streams of income. I'm still looking at how to go about this, God helping me.

These are a few lessons the past year's drummed into my ears.

That said, welcome to the new year. I pray it lives up to our expectations. 


The Hustle

 Dear diary, 

The spirit's finally got me. Lagos hustling spirit's finally got me. Oh, I'm so under its anointing and influence🤭🤭

Remember when I talked to you about job hunting (check here please)? Well, it's been sweet and sour. I got some good leads amidst the bad eggs but it turns out that I'm not ready! Surprised yeah? Me too. I'd thought with all the efforts I'd put into this job hunt that when one came along, I'd be ready and just about willing to do it, but then, reality has yet again proven itself superior to expectations.

So, ever since then, I've been looking within me, albeit fearfully, what can I do? What do I have that the world needs huh? 🤔

And that my friends, is the million dollar question. I'll be sure to let you know when I do find out😁. Till then...
