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Tuesday 5 January 2021

The Hustle

 Dear diary, 

The spirit's finally got me. Lagos hustling spirit's finally got me. Oh, I'm so under its anointing and influence🤭🤭

Remember when I talked to you about job hunting (check here please)? Well, it's been sweet and sour. I got some good leads amidst the bad eggs but it turns out that I'm not ready! Surprised yeah? Me too. I'd thought with all the efforts I'd put into this job hunt that when one came along, I'd be ready and just about willing to do it, but then, reality has yet again proven itself superior to expectations.

So, ever since then, I've been looking within me, albeit fearfully, what can I do? What do I have that the world needs huh? 🤔

And that my friends, is the million dollar question. I'll be sure to let you know when I do find out😁. Till then...


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