So, it's finally come to this *sigh*
Please don't leave, pretty please don't.
We were so good together, are you gonna throw away an entire year? Just like that?
Lol, I dunno what the above is, but it just came to mind. So, to the main gist: 2017 highlights. Yeahhhhh, I, like so many others (I'm sure) am taking stock. How did the year go, what did we do, what didn't we do, what should we have done differently and yada yada.
2017 was a good year. Although in the beginning, it wasn't so. My theme for the year was 'hopeful' and you could say things did turn out that way. In retrospect, it was also a year of cakes, lol. The year of cakes, I like how that sounds. Had too much of it. So, here are a few highlights of 2017 as it concerns me biko, not the world.
-I moved into my own apartment. Whoohoo, I'm still excited about that. But wait, did I say apartment? Lol, biko, room.
-Floated a business this year.
-Came outta the closet with my writing.
-Attained lofty heights spiritually. I was actually intentional with my spirituality this year, wawu.
-And yes, I finally did start walking the talk. I'm talking about love, walking in love. This is probably tied to the spiritual height mentioned up there. It is actually tied to it, who am I deceiving?
-Another wawu here, I was more outgoing. Put myself out there (whatever that means), made new friends and just generally didn't take life too serious this year. Yippee, progress. Again, in the beginning, it wasn't so.
-Started upon an idea for a book (Lord help me, I'm a wonderful procrastinator).
-Acquired a new skill, gele tying. I'm sure someone was thinking coding, lol. And since then, I've been rocking gele upandan.
-Attended a lot of weddings. Like really, a lot...
and other stuff that I'm grateful to God for.
And...that's it. Sounds like a busy year yeah? False.
In as much as those wonderful things happened, certain things didn't.
-Didn't conclude my studies as I'd intended
-Zero savings no thanks to some poor financial decisions I made early in the year.
-And then I failed to finish my tailoring course. It wasn't convenient honestly, but it still hurts when I think of it.
-I also didn't exactly follow up on my commitment to the blog this year.
Projections for 2018
I've got one and only one, to be done with my studies. I'm so tired of been so tired of it hanging around my neck. Who send me work? Perhaps when I'm done with that, I can now focus properly on my career path. I need to look into that. Oh, and also to try more in putting myself out there (whatever that does mean). π
Oh, and one more, be more intentional with my book list. Venture out to read more business books and technical stuff? Books on economics, world economy and power, you know, all those sorta stuffy books? (My heart rate just spiked when I typed that) lol. It's difficult reading such books and that's why I have to be intentional about it.
Generally, 2017 was amazing and I owe most of that to you guys. Yes, you. Thanks for all of the encouragement; reading, commenting, liking and sharing all them write ups. Really, it did mean a lot. Here's saying I love you all, keep the flag flying. And for those of us who barely achieved ½ of what we'd set out to do during the year, the race ain't over. Keep keeping on π
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