This write up's just wow, I don't know what to term it {I leave that to you}. I enjoyed reading it and I feel you just might enjoy it as well especially for the literary minded persons like myself, I'm sure you'd relate with this.
Reading's everything, I can't emphasise that enough. It's widely said that knowledge is power and one major way of acquiring knowledge's via reading but 'nuff said already, let's get back to that piece; mind, I took the liberty of
Sourcemodifying a few things like switching the genders and some books. Enjoy→
Don’t date a woman who reads. She will be interesting. Your romantic dates will be like
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Your late night conversation will take hours to end. She will throw ideas and expect you to bounce something back. Brain exercises are not for the lazies.
Don’t date a woman who reads. She is fine spending time on her own. She can entertain herself for hours with or without you.
A Brief History of Time might be your worst enemy. You might wonder if she's having an affair with
Silas Marner or
Harry Potter. You will always have to share her time with books. And, when you work late, she won’t get upset; books will keep her company.
Don’t date a woman who reads. She is hard to please. Ideas and imagination are the fuel to her brain. You will chase the knowledge and become a better version of yourself. She might want to teach you
How To Win Friends And Influence People.
Don’t date a woman who reads. She is intelligent. Smart people know to invest in themselves. You will have to keep up and be more than just a hot body or a fine face. Beauty fades. Intelligence will show you the road From
Here to Eternity. She will turn you from
Good to Great.
Don’t date a woman who reads. She will listen to your thoughts and dreams. She won’t let you sit still; she will make you chase them. It cannot be harder than
The Journey To The West. She will tell you that your only limit is you.
Don’t date a woman who reads. She will Think And Grow Rich. She knows reading is always a bargain. She will borrow thousands of people’s brains to turn her vision into reality.
The Richest Man In Babylon will be put to shame.
Don’t date a woman who reads. She is a critical thinker. She has seen different opinions through thousands of pages. Reading teaches great analytical skills. Every little challenge will have a strategy session from
The Art Of War. If you have a tough decision, she might have the solution. And you will have to learn to accept help from others.
Don’t date a woman who reads. She has a sense of perspective. She knows her problems will never be harder than the people in
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.
Don’t date a woman who reads. Her inner child is more alive. The Age of Innocence will never come to an end. Her curiosity and creativity will survive through school. And she won’t stop asking questions to find The
Art Of Happiness.
Don’t date a woman who reads. She will like to challenge you like A Call To The Wild. She will give you book suggestions that will drive you crazy. She will push you hard to grow, and to share the journey with her. Nothing will be nice and smooth like a bed of roses. But the more you open your mind, the more things you will discover. And the more you read, the more you will realize you know nothing. And you won’t be able to stop chasing new ideas.
Don’t date a woman who reads. You will have a hard time reading her. The key to her heart lies below thousands of books. You will have to read things you don’t like. You will read things that will make you cry. You will read things that make you uncomfortable. That is part of every relationship. It will take real effort to meet her
Great Expectations.
Don’t date a woman who reads. Because she is a storyteller. Everything through her eyes will look magical. One day she might tell your children
The Greatest Story Never Told.
<And I couldn't resist chipping in this last bit :)>
Photo Credit: Google