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Showing posts with label newbie. Show all posts

Monday 31 December 2018

Diary of a new Lagos Wife💍: The year of Firsts

Dear diary,

A merry Christmas to you. How was it? Mine was spectacular.
Yeah, spectacularly spectacular. Experienced Christmas in Lagos for the first time and it was...hmm, dunno yet. 

This year's Christmas also happens to be my first Christmas as a “Mrs” (there seems to be a lot of firsts happening to and around me lately) and it was ok. Not exactly as tentatively planned, but ok. There will always be other Christmas'es' I told myself. 

So, attended the Christmas service with the family and spent some part of the day with the extended family cooking up a storm in the kitchen 😋 with the CCO (Chief Commanding Officer), my mother in-law supervising 😁 Afterwards, had a really quiet day no thanks to the powers that be, PHCN.  To cut short a rather boring long story, allow me to tell the story with pictures. 

 Trying to reason how to go about making our first Christmas really memorable and beginning to feel stressed. Even before I'd started anything🤦🏻.
 Yay, me finally catching the holiday spirit bug as soon as I started the decorations. Ably assisted by my bruva*
                                    Victory at last😄

And then cooking began in ernest. Here, I was the assistant chef😁

Christmas morning😍

And that was it. The highlight of the whole affair IMO was hosting guests, haha. My hostessing skills are quite rusty, believe me. 

Another surprise, the roads and streets of Lagos were empty and traffic was relatively light. I'd been told it would be that way. But Lagos? That's chock-full of human beings? Like sardines in a tin box? Impossicant I thought. But, seeing was indeed believing as it's said. Apparently, all the wise men from the East who'd migrated West to hustle, had returned home for the holidays, hehehe. Please do not quote me anywhere. 

There were still pockets of traffic here and there but not your typical Mexican stand off (according to hubby). Not that I strayed too far from my locale, nope. Waiting to see how the new year celebrations would look like. I've heard, touts take over during the cross over nights that are usually held in churches. Well, *Fingers Crossed*
And yes, Boxing Day did indeed look like this. There's more than enough to go round, please help yourself😀. Merry Christmas once again. 

*Bruva - Brother

Friday 1 January 2016

A New Dawn

It's a new year, yayyyy. I'm so sure we're all pretty hyped about it, but fear not, I'm not gonna start with the new year, new me thingy, lol but I'm sorely tempted to because you see, everything's pretty new including this blog and it means so much that this is finally happening after so long a time. I mean, a new year + a new blog equals what? You tell me.

It's been a wonderful 2015 and 2016 will only get better. God's been faithful. Were man to be God, I doubt half of us would've made it into the new year but God is God and will always be God and I'm trusting He will yet do great things.
Here's to new beginnings,
A new year,
And a new blog.
Happy new year people, welcome.

Photo Credit: Google