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Showing posts with label 2017. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2017. Show all posts

Sunday 31 March 2019

Weird, Weirder, Weirdest

For some strange reason that I can't even make sense of, I decided at last minute to wrap up this month with a post. This month for me was far from being perfect and was really a lazy one. And I'm not just talking about the blog alone but all round - work, academics, relationships, every. 

For some inexplicable reason, I've been pretty much low key with few bursts of adrenaline in between which afterwards led to burn out. I'm even surprised that I have the energy to put up this post. No, I'm not overworked and no, I'm not tired. I just feel...ennui. Yeah, I think that's it.

In between the few spells of energy bursts, I've been stuffing myself with food. Yeah, this March was really pretty weird for me. I was demotivated and a little bit down I must confess. Probably 'cos I felt kinda alienated and who's responsible for said alienation? My humble self. Well, if there's anything I've learnt about so far in all of these' that:
  1. Always go with the flow. In the end, I'll feel better for it. If I'm down, it's OK, be down. If I want to be alone, it's OK, be alone. If I stuff my face with food, please don't go beating yourself up about it, just go with the flow 'cos I know that these too shall pass and when it does pass, things get better. Which brings me to...
  2. I usually come back revitalised and ready to take on the world after these spells. It's as if I have to pass through the valley so as to better appreciate the view from the mountain top.
  3. One's friends (if they're really yours) will always be there waiting for you. They won't make you feel bad or guilty for feeling the way you do and acting it out. No they won't. Highest, they'd give you the space you desire and then watch for the signs that says "no danger here, safe to approach". That sounds messed up, I know but it's the truth. True friends wont leave you hanging or pressure you into acting some typa way. They just let you be. If you want to be.
That's not all, but I feel drowsy and so that'll be all. Thanks for reading, bonne nuit.
so, that was a 2017 post that I'd forgotten somewhere in the archives. Compared to then and now...hold on, lemme see what's different...A lot!πŸ˜‰
Bye darlings...

Sunday 31 December 2017


So, it's finally come to this *sigh*
Please don't leave, pretty please don't. 
We were so good together, are you gonna throw away an entire year? Just like that?
Lol, I dunno what the above is, but it just came to mind. So, to the main gist: 2017 highlights. Yeahhhhh, I, like so many others (I'm sure) am taking stock. How did the year go, what did we do, what didn't we do, what should we have done  differently and yada yada. 

2017 was a good year. Although in the beginning, it wasn't so. My theme for the year was 'hopeful' and you could say things did turn out that way. In retrospect, it was also a year of cakes, lol. The year of cakes, I like how that sounds. Had too much of it. So, here are a few highlights of 2017 as it concerns me biko, not the world.
-I moved into my own apartment. Whoohoo, I'm still excited about that. But wait, did I say apartment? Lol, biko, room. 
-Floated a business this year.
-Came outta the closet with my writing.
-Attained lofty heights spiritually. I was actually intentional with my spirituality this year, wawu.
-And yes, I finally did start walking the talk. I'm talking about love, walking in love. This is probably tied to the spiritual height mentioned up there. It is actually tied to it, who am I deceiving?
-Another wawu here, I was more outgoing. Put myself out there (whatever that means), made new friends and just generally didn't take life too serious this year. Yippee, progress. Again, in the beginning, it wasn't so. 
-Started upon an idea for a book (Lord help me, I'm a wonderful procrastinator).
-Acquired a new skill, gele tying. I'm sure someone was thinking coding, lol. And since then, I've been rocking gele upandan
-Attended a lot of weddings. Like really, a lot...
and other stuff that I'm grateful to God for. 
And...that's it. Sounds like a busy year yeah? False.

In as much as those wonderful things happened, certain things didn't.
-Didn't conclude my studies as I'd intended
-Zero savings no thanks to some poor financial decisions I made early in the year.
-And then I failed to finish my tailoring course. It wasn't convenient honestly, but it still hurts when I think of it. 
-I also didn't exactly follow up on my commitment to the blog this year.

Projections for 2018
I've got one and only one, to be done with my studies. I'm so tired of been so tired of it hanging around my neck. Who send me work? Perhaps when I'm done with that, I can now focus properly on my career path. I need to look into that. Oh, and also to try more in putting myself out there (whatever that does mean). 😁

Oh, and one more, be more intentional with my book list. Venture out to read more business books and technical stuff? Books on economics, world economy and power, you know, all those sorta stuffy books? (My heart rate just spiked when I typed that) lol. It's difficult reading such books and that's why I have to be intentional about it.

Generally, 2017 was amazing and I owe most of that to you guys. Yes, you. Thanks for  all of the encouragement; reading, commenting, liking and sharing all them write ups. Really, it did mean a lot. Here's saying I love you all, keep the flag flying. And for those of us who barely achieved ½ of what we'd set out to do during the year, the race ain't over. Keep keeping on πŸ˜‰

Photo Credit: Google Images

Saturday 23 December 2017

Princess Warrior

So many fights
So many battles 
The greatest I fear
Is the battle of self
I have an ongoing battle 
One I thought
I won a long time ago
A pyrrhic victory at best
But a victory nonetheless
Alas I fear, 
An old enemy's risen.
From the shadows
It had been banished to,
It arises
But fear not, 
For this time, 
It shall be conquered 
Once and for all.
Once and for good, 
Shall it be conquered.
My note indicates that I penned this at 11:58am on 24th December 2013. Hmm, it's been three years. And I was at work. I recall the circumstances that surrounded that scribble.

Everyone's got a demon they battle daily; personal demons, work demons, financial demons. For some, it may be anger, depression, lust, envy, pride, name it. God gives us the victory daily.


SOTD "New Dawn Fades" by Joy Division 

Wednesday 20 December 2017

Christmas, here I come

"Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree you stand in verdant beauty." Fret not, I know it ain't Christmas yet, just testing my vocal chords to see if they still work fine (after screaming myself hoarse last night). Christmas' nearly upon us and I'm thinking, where did the year go? 2017 was fast. Too fast. Yesterday I was screaming happy new year and I remember my days of listening to carols and religiously memorising them like my life depended on it, πŸ˜‚ I and my sissy. Life was beautiful then. Not that it ain't now, but childhood innocence counts for something.

So, the year's rounding off once again to another close - glory to God. Is it too early to say merry Christmas? 😁 Merry Christmas. Please, just take it like that. 


Tuesday 19 December 2017

Red light, Yellow light, Green light

So, I've had Simi's "Joromi" on repeat for a while now and this post is its result. Guys would say that they don't make a move cos they don't see any greenlight. And in my head I'm like, seriously? The funny part is, when that light's shone, they don't or can't even recognize it, which begs the question, why don't guys see the green light flashing? Or are the ladies flashing a teal light mistaking it for green? Lol. But, what are the actions and/or inactions that construe this green light sef?

So, who can relate with missing the lights and signs and/or misconstruing them?

Sigh, who can understand the ways of a man with a woman?* Just random thoughts. Last day at the office for me and I'm pretty much pumped. Bye work, hello holiday...


*Proverbs 30:18
Photo credit: google images

Monday 18 December 2017

Old Souls

How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? ~ Satchel Paige

There are days I feel so old, like today. 27 going on 100, hehe. Have you ever been called an old soul? Not to worry, it's not a bad thing. It only means that you've "lived" and "experienced" stuff that others way ahead of you (generations) did experience and you want to know the fun part? You weren't even physically present, you didn't get to live in that age and time. How cool is that?

Though when people say it, it's intended as an insult, major fail. Been an old soul's not really about dowdy dressing or acting all serious, nah. It simply means you view life differently and are not easily impressed by all the dazzle and flash around you, because why?  You've seen and done them all remember? Nothing new under the sun.

I recognize a lot of old souls amidst my friends, they're just the best to be with. So old soul, go forth and do you. Leave all these new souls to their shenanigans lol. Please don't mind me, I'm bored. My office closes for the year 2017 tomorrow, so I've got little if not nothing doing. Have a great week. I smell Christmas *in a sing song voice*. Byeee


Saturday 16 December 2017


It's not everyday one gets to meet good people and that's why saying goodbye to this set of people's heart breaking. One of my personal persons had to resign recently  and I miss her already. But that's life yeah? Coming and going. Today we meet people and tomorrow we say goodbye, sad.

Well, here's to baby girl, I wish you the best in all of your future endeavours. She was a sweet girl.

Monday 27 November 2017

Faceless Tales

"This face I wear's not mine. It was given me by life. When I was born, my parents said I had the fairest of faces. But looking at me now, you wouldn't be able to tell." 
"This face I wear's being mine for as long as I can remember. So why then do I feel like a stranger in it? I put it on, I play in it, I laugh in it, I cry in it. It's become a familiar stranger. But then I go home and once there, I take it off. No one need know that I'm faceless." 
"This face I wear's not mine but borrowed. I took it from my last kill and no one's the wiser for it. I had asked him to choose. He made his choice. And so I killed him and took his face. The kids need not know that this isn't their dad. That their dad lies six feet under because I wear his face. And I wear it even better."
Different women, similar stories...

Friday 20 October 2017

Frank Friday: A Case of Extreme Polarities

Hey guys, I'm happy to be back, howdy? I went AWOL again, yeah yeah, same old same old. Not excusing my lazy ass self though but it's all good.

The week's winding down, yippee right? How's it been for ya? On my end it was ok. It started out fantastically and I believe I rode on that wave all through the week.

So, (lol, my favest word) I've had this story for a while now, struggling with how best to tell it, sigh. It's a love story and for some weird reason, I struggle with writing romance. Not that it's hard to imagine. Have yourself a love filled weekend. The godly one I meanπŸ˜‰
Pray for me will ya?

Photo Source: friend's Facebook wall

Thursday 14 September 2017

The Least Lister

My to do list/bucket list/wish list/whatever list is quite simple; go to Venice, ride in a gondola and have the gondolier sing to me songs of love, heartbreak and tragedy.

I've also got lists for the most absurd of things;

Book list
Poem list
Friends list
Black list
Burn list
Gift list
The least however is,
My to do list
I rarely get to tick things off it cos I hardly stick to it. 

SOTD: Unsteady by X Ambassadors.

Monday 31 July 2017

MMC: Mental Armour

The alarm rings yet again and for the hundredth time, Ztembe slams it shut. Oh God, why did you have to create Monday, why? She grumbles as she flings the sheet off her and gingerly sets one foot before the other to begin her daily ritual.

Rushing out, she goes through her mental checklist, mental armour she calls them:

*pepper spray, defense against nosy colleagues, check.
*raincoat, to shake off nay sayers, check.
*face mask, to not smell the boss' bullshit, check.
*plastic smile, for Sembe and Sempei, check.
*sunshade, to wade off the evil eyes, check.

With everything checked and a self satisfied smile playing on her lips, she waltzes out, confident in the fact that she was covered. Bring it on Monday. 
Hi lovers, 

I've actually missed Ztembe and her wahala, lol and I've missed writing this series. I'm sorry, I needed to take a look at the whole series again to remember why I started this in the first place, Monday and its beefers. Well I've got good news, Ztembe's back, ready to take y'all (and Monday) on and she's bringing the heat with her. Watch out!

Btw, I'm no longer a Monday moaner. Guess that's why I took a pause😁. Have a great week ahead and a lovely Monday. Oh and a happy end of month *doffshat*.

Peace out. 

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Rock 'n' Smile

Admittedly, I don't regard smiling as an area of strength for me so I'm always taken in by a genuine one. I came across an old lady today. Yes, lady not woman with a really beautiful smile. It was the smile that got me I must confess. I wondered what a radiant smile could be doing on such a face. It was such a contrast.

I kinda have a thing for smiles since I find it difficult manufacturing one (for lack of a better word) for people.

There are tons of things to smile about, yeah and a lot of things on the other hand to worry about and I applaud and envy those who make the right choice of smiling.πŸ’ͺ

The Bible says a cheerful heart doeth good like medicine but a heavy heart drieth up the bones.

Note to self, learn to smile more even foolishly if need be and yesss,  I came across this very lovely song by Linkin park,  'Roads Untraveled'. I loveet. Another thing I'm partial to? Rock. Here's a video; you can sing along, lyrics' the image above. 

Friday 14 July 2017

Frank Friday: Midnight Escapades

The things that happen at midnight are better left unsaid but I think my activities are innocuous enough to be talked about lol. I once used to be an active night crawler (nah, not in that way), I mean a night owl. Night time was when I was very active.

That year in school while men slept, Linda cooked, Linda washed, Linda mopped, Linda listened to loud music, Linda did a lot of things in that odd hour. My roommates heard it sha, lol. In my opinion, night time is divine. The silence and stillness, everywhere's so calm.

By night time I mean midnight. In this clime, the midnight hour's associated with a lot of terribles (is that a word please?); as that's when evil thrives under cover of darkness, and all. Midnight hour's that doorway between the living and dead. Yep, I said it. A doorway between the known and the unknown, the banal and the mystical. That hour where anything's possible. It's like a special time when anything can happen. Many folklore associate the midnight hour with magic; tales of mystic, mystery and a certain touch of awe. The dead come back to walk among the living, the pretty maiden changes back to her 'real' form, the wolf-man changes its form, skinchangers and other monsters walk upon the earth's surface. Whew, I could go on and on but I'm not Dean Koontz and the rest. It's when all the magic happens sha, you get.

Simply put, the midnight hour is the best of times to be productive (my opinion). It's the best of times to pray, to listen, to meditate and to strategise. The midnight hour's a time to recharge and reboot by sleeping (for those who don't appreciate what the hour connotes) and I wrote that in the most condescending of tones by the way. I mean, how can you not appreciate that hour? Lol, I kid biko cos I'm now team sleep (on good days). I'd better enjoy it while stock lasts.

It's time I switched off now, it's 1:52 am btw. I've burnt my midnight oil to the ground and my hour's up. Just thought to pen this down.

I had fun scaring folks with that photoπŸ˜‚πŸ˜Ή
Oh, and I've got cold. Again. Dunno how the virus keeps getting meπŸ˜πŸ˜‘

Wednesday 12 July 2017


There are eyes and then there are eyes. The writing challenge I participated in really did fire me up, I can only hope I maintain it. Cheers to a blessed day. 


Tuesday 11 July 2017

On being a wall flower

I'd start by saying, as a wall flower your default answer should be no. At all times (I'll expatiate on that in another post). Today's for the wall flowers in the hizzouse (a show of hands please✌)πŸ˜‚

So here goes:
  1. At all times, turn down offers to attend social functions. Yep, end of post. That's what being a wall flowers's all about, saying no. Lol, ok not the end.
  2. If perchance you were tricked or coerced or for whatever reason you decide to go, arrive early, you don't want anyone to see you arriving do you? If you find yourself running late, try to slip in quietly and unobtrusively. Let it be that you just did appear out of thin air. 
  3. Dress to blend
  4. Find your spot; a vantage point where you can see all and not be seen
  5. Befriend the couch and do not for any reason disengage from it.
  6. Note all exit points in case of emergencies like needing a breath of fresh air or escaping loudmouths or/and for quick and easy getaway. You'll thank me later πŸ˜‰
So that's that, got any more to add? But why would you want to be a wall flower anyways? Being a wall flower's not for the faint of heart just so you knowπŸ˜‹

Disclaimer: This is a tongue in cheek post by the way.

Nah, I lied but personally, I enjoy being a wall flower. Infact,  it's one of my hobbies. I own it. Cheers, gotta run.... 

I love that photo, it's from my phone's wallpaper collection. 

Monday 10 July 2017

Jolly July

Hi darlings,

Issa new month, happy July guys. How was the weekend? Rainy right?  Yeah, same here and then Lekki was flooded, whew.

Saw pictures online since I've refused to own a TV set. Please don't ask why, cos I assure you that my answer wouldn't make a lick of sense.

There's a lot I wanna say but don't even know where to start. So, that's that. Once again, happy lollified July.


Did I mention I spent the entire weekend indoors? Well I'd have felt it if not that I was kept busy with the wig I was working on. Handwork's good I tell you. Sometimes.

Will also be sharing some of my write ups next month. Yesss, I'd participated in a competition on IG (my first😁) and it was fun I tell you. And challenging too. It's not beans writing daily, ya'll can testify to it here, hehe. So, the goal's to share one for everyday. Should've started this month but well, as you can see, we're way into the month. So August by God's grace, will be sharing a write-up everyday God willing.

Since June was 30 days and August 31, will be throwing in a last day bonusπŸ˜‰

Bye people, I leave you with "Holy Grail", it was my sound accompaniment all through my lazy busy weekend😘

Thursday 1 June 2017

Hey June

Hey guys, I hope June meets you well. Here's to a new month, I wish us all the best.

Trivia: June's always sounded strange to my ears, I see it how I see odd numbers. The name just sounds like there's something off. 

Wednesday 31 May 2017

My Glasses and I

Different shades of Shades

I hear so often that I look different with and/or without my glasses on. I guess that's true for most glass wearers, you'd definitely look different after all, just putting on a pair of sunshades could be the difference between life and death in all those spy movies.

So, I dedicate this poem to all glass wearers worldwide and to all of my glasses who've faithfully served, has served and will serve me; future, past and present.
When vision fails and threatens to fade
My glasses come to the rescue‎

When my eyes sore and tired wail‎
She comes to my aid

When it's too bright
My eyes‎ she shades 

For all of these 
Do I love her?

I could never love her

Each the other tolerates
However, she knows I'm the boss of her‎

Tuesday 30 May 2017

For the Love of Musiq

I rocked with these guys during the weekend. Hey, envy notπŸ˜‹πŸ‘…
Yay, it's the first work day of the week and I'm pretty much pumped about itπŸ’ƒ. Time to act like an adult. Hi lovelies, how was your very long weekend? Most of us put it to good use I'm sure and most of us wasted spent it on 'us time' 😌😊.

Yesterday was Nigeria's Democracy day so it was a long weekend and I pretty much spent it cooped up indoors with youtube for company. Which brings me tooo *drumroll* Jidenna. Whew, I've never had a celebrity crush, he's definitely the first. I never knew Janelle Monae had a production company or is it a record label? Music aficionados please help. I love Janelle and her pompadours and her suits and for the fact that she sings social conscious songs and so I was pleased to see that Jidenna's her product or protΓ©gΓ© or signed up to her record? Well, bottom line is, I'm liking it. Wondaland record's the name and all her acts are really something. They have a special kinda magic if you ask me.  I love all of 'em. Ok, maybe a lil extra with Jidenna 😍😍😍

Definitely my kind of music.

Trivia: when you're asked what do you do all day indoors, tell them you're communing with the gods, hehe.

Photo Credit: Wondaland 

Monday 29 May 2017


Let's talk about getting old. When last did you take a gooood look at your parents? Over the weekend, I did have a wake up call.

As young adults, we sometimes get so caught up in our lives that we forget our parents are getting older same way we are. In my mind's eye, I still see them with the eyes of a child, like they're strong and will always remain same way but that's only an illusion, they won't always remain same way and one day, they won't be around (fact).

Sometimes, I feel like the worst of daughters (who'd believe my story?) I mean, I'm good at forgetting about my parents as in, I only think about them in an unconscious kinda way and not in an intentional kinda way. Get my drift?

And something's always bothered me. Your happiness or your parents' happiness, which should be paramount? I know I won't get an answer, still I'm asking anyway. It gets so tiring trying to place others' happiness before yours (selfish much?) but it's true. I think I really need to work on that.

So I promised myself to try to do better. I'm not always the best of daughters, I mess up sometimes most times, haha (I'm laughing but I'm not. Really). 

Happy Dem's day BTW

Photo Credit: Sara's O world

SOTD (Song of the day) 'Towards the Sun'