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Showing posts with label Travels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Travels. Show all posts

Friday 7 December 2018

Diary of a new Lagos Wife💍

Me coming outta my hiatus

Still me wondering if anyone's here
Oh bloggy, bloggy, bloggy, I've missed you so.

Hi there guys, howdy? This has been a long time coming but only until yesterday, courtesy of a comment on a post concerning my Lagos travails joys which I'd shared on facebook, have I decided to run with it. This title/series is courtesy of that and God willing, I shall be reposting the said post here. It'll be our first journal entry 😁. Timely, if you ask me cos I've encountered one time too many, stuff I'd rather not. In this Lagos.

I'm sure it's no longer news what brought yours truly down west right? If it is, I'm sorry and owe you guys a major throw/flash back. Click here to get the gist of how the Northern belle traded the North for West, epic.

So encountering Lagos was a huge culture shock for me all in all. Gist for another day seeing as this is us officially launching the “Diary of a new Lagos Wife💍” series. Sit back, put your feet up and enjoy the journey. Seeing Lagos through the eyes of a newbie. 

Monday 9 April 2018

How I Sat-Ur(My)-Day: A Train(ed) Story

Who remembers that nursery rhyme of the train waiting at the station? 
Hi guys😁 *waves* lol, just take the virtual wave abeg. It's been so long and I missed you guys, I missed the blog and I did miss writing. Not that I've not been writing, just not been publishing 😁

So, I'm gonna drop this gist that I've baby sat for too long and I had help writing it btw by my co author and partner in the tale. So, here goes nothing.

Who goes on a round-trip via train between Abuja and Kaduna, for no other reason than the sheer novelty of the experience? Meeee. Yes me, I so did. Well, because I caould and because - read up - it was a novel experience and an exciting one at that. 
Sight me? 
The trip involved a four hour train ride,  and a 90-minute layover at the Rigasa terminal in Kaduna. So as I'm sure you can imagine, there was a lot of sitting. The padded train seats were comfortable though and the air-conditioned cabin soothed all other sedentary discomforts. My only complaint would be that I couldn't recline the seats for a more comfortable posture,  and I didn't bring a seat cushion along.
The waiting stint in the departure lounge at the  Rigasa station was also in an air-conditioned and 'fan-assisted' hall with metal seats. They were suitable but I'm sure they were not designed to encourage long-term sitting.
It was a bright and smiley sunny day
Whatever the case, on both occasions,  l sat until it was a chore, from 10am when the train departed Kubwa, Abuja for Rigasa, Kaduna and back. Including another hour and half wait at the Rigasa terminal. 

But enough of the butt-aching story. The scenery consisted mostly of rocky,  mountainous areas interspersed with wide,  flat grasslands over which one could gaze out for a couple of kilometers. There were intermittent farmlands and drying streams, cattle and their herders and zinc covered sheds and thatched settlements. Over all, it wasn't exactly a scenery per se but it was enough.

My companion spent a better part of the trip trying to get me to sleep when I remarked about how sleep-deprived I felt from a very short night the day before.

All in all, it was a good trip. Not particularly fun as fun might be defined cos we ended up not touring as planned but, it was fun none the less😊

As with all things, I learnt some lessons on the trip which I shall be sharing anytime soon. Bye, have a lovely week ahead 😘 