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Showing posts with label Relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relationships. Show all posts

Sunday, 28 January 2024

Ruth or Naomi?

Who would you rather be?

I'm almost sure we're familiar with the Bible story of Ruth, the young widow who choose to stick with her Mother-in-law come rain or sunshine. 

Every sermon I've ever encountered have always been centred on her, Ruth's POV ie. The sermons, exhortations, words of encouragement, ministrations etc etc were always about her; her devotion, sacrifice, selflessness and where it led her eventually (one of Jesus' ancestors). That's all good and fine and lovely. However, at the back of my mind, I always did wonder about the person of Naomi (typical curious me); who was she and what did she do to have evoked such devotion, such loyalty, such love (etc) from not one but two of her daughters-in-law, how did she interact with these ladies? 

Mind you, she was a Jew and they, well, Moabites, the people they ordinarily wouldn't have relations or interactions with. So, how did she navigate their differences, so well that made these ladies to fall in love with her to the point of giving their (at least one person did) all for her? That, is the question.

Since I'm yet to hear a sermon on Naomi, I decided to write out the thoughts I'd formed about her over the years. Should this count as a sermon? *Coughs* I don't know, I'm simply sharing my thoughts😁. By the way, you can read up on this story here (please click), thank you.

So, I keep hearing about how we should be like Ruth, how she was this, she was that, well, how about Naomi, shouldn't we aspire to be like her too? Selfless, caring, magnanimous, and empathetic? Despite all that happened to her, here she was, still looking out for her daughters-in-law. She didn't try to hold them back, seeing as she was all alone in the world. She didn't think, 

"who would take care of me, who will keep me company, who would give me grand children?"

Naomi had every right to be bitter about the hand, life had dealt her. She had every right to want to hold on to these two ladies, after all, they were now her daughters, her sons' wives. But no, she released them, she put their needs first before hers, she saw that they still had so much to live for and did not want to be an obstacle in their way, the one to hold them back, a cog in their wheel of progress.

She gladly released them and with her blessings, telling them she had nothing to offer. Orpah complied and left. I doubt that meant she loved Naomi any less or that Ruth who choose to stay, loved Naomi more. I bet if they were in our present clime where technology has made long distance communication possible, that they'd still be in touch.

Now let's look at Ruth, what a remarkable lady. I daresay, it takes a high level of selflessness or should I say self-sacrifice to do what she did. She literally left home and kin behind and stuck to Naomi, wow. 

Now, was she constrained to do this? No
Was she coerced? No
Did someone come to preach to her about the blessedness of selflessness? No

This brings me to conclude that there just was something about Naomi that brought about such devotion from Ruth, such that would make her choose her over her own family and/or would be future happiness. What do you think?

So to answer my opening question, yes, I'd like to be Ruth. Even more so, yes, I'd like to be Naomi.

They're both remarkable, extraordinary women and I'd like very much to be like them. And I think we ought to encourage our daughters to aspire to be like both women. They both made exceptional sacrifices for the other, an example that I believe, is worth emulating.


PS: I have a feeling that I'll be revisiting this story, this has quite evolved from what my original plan was; airing my thoughts. Now, I just might write a story (fiction of course) about these three women.

Friday, 1 June 2018

Frank Friday: Life & Family

"Family wounds are hardest to heal," I once read somewhere. The statement's so true. It hurts more when betrayed or wounded by people you hold dear. The same ones that are meant to have your back and to shield you from the very hurt they themselves are inflicting on you. You know where it gets funny? It's these set of people that don't even realize they're hurting you. I've been on both sides of the coin (both recipient and giver) so I should know. We toss words out casually and carelessly to our loved ones and are more careful with outsiders (most times), why? This post was to look at how we use our words but now...I'm kinda distracted and my heart's heavy. A lot of stuff ain't making sense to me so, I'll leave you with these:👇 Ciao.

Photo credit; YouVersion Bible App

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Love, The Greatest

His blood,
Freely given.
His name,
Freely accessed.
His forgiveness,
Freely shared.
For you.
For me.
For all of us.
None despised,
None forsaken.
One died for all,
Once and for all.
Not all dying for one.
Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friend(s).

That's what Jesus did. To think that He did that even before we knew or loved Him. It's just like me taking the place of a random convict on death row. Madness aye? In a way that's the kind of crazy love God has for us and he asks us to open our hearts and bask in this love, His love. In him. How hard can that be aye? Well, don't look at me.

So, while you all go out to enjoy the day, let this be fore front (sounds like tautology *shrugs*), Jesus loves you. No love, no matter how beautiful could ever measure up to His. It'll always fall short. We can only try. The only love akin to His (IMO) is that of a mother's and even that's a poor replica.

Anyhoo, I didn't come to preach, I got carried away. So I'm off to hug the lover of my soul hehe. That is, until He reveals himself in the flesh through one handsome bobo designed by Him and for me. Adios. 


Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Red light, Yellow light, Green light

So, I've had Simi's "Joromi" on repeat for a while now and this post is its result. Guys would say that they don't make a move cos they don't see any greenlight. And in my head I'm like, seriously? The funny part is, when that light's shone, they don't or can't even recognize it, which begs the question, why don't guys see the green light flashing? Or are the ladies flashing a teal light mistaking it for green? Lol. But, what are the actions and/or inactions that construe this green light sef?

So, who can relate with missing the lights and signs and/or misconstruing them?

Sigh, who can understand the ways of a man with a woman?* Just random thoughts. Last day at the office for me and I'm pretty much pumped. Bye work, hello holiday...


*Proverbs 30:18
Photo credit: google images

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Valentina gets her flowers

It's yet another valentine's day and this year, I feel like a reluctant celebrant. I doubt it's compulsory to celebrate val's day but, oh well, at least I made an effort (flying its colour, putting up that picture as my DP and yeah, this post). Although last year, I really was all feely feely about val's day. True, see here. Hopefully, I'll be in the mood later. 

Meanwhile, here's wishing you a happy val's day celebrations. Remember, God is love and re-remember not to drown yourselves in cheap thrills, they'll cost you aplenty, be wise. 

So, celebrants, hiders, neutrals and the down right anti-valentine folks, 1❤ 


Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Socioquette: Ps & Qs

Social niceties? Nah, not my thing. Tactical diplomacy? Uh uh, I'm bereft of that too. Small talk? Good heavens, no please, I'm fundamentally lacking in that aspect. So what social etiquette am I good at? Why, my Ps & Qs of course, the basics, the little courtesies, I don't joke with them and that's why it rubs me off the wrong way when people take them for granted -the little foxes that spoil the vine. In this instance, it's these often overlooked courtesies that kill would-be profitable relationships.

What would it hurt and who would it kill to say please and/or thank you? Nothing and no one. Most likely thing it may hurt might be your ego, just a wee bruise at that. Like seriously people, let's not overlook these little things.

Admittedly, I may not be so good at making small talk (some refer to it as 'polite conversation') hence some busybody some ones might leave with the impression that I'm stuck up. You see, that may be true cos my tongue actually gets stuck when it comes to social interactions -making small talk. It just refuses to untie itself from my mouth -even after meeting one baba who gave me some words to chew to aid in its loosening, to no avail, e no gree work- and you'd have noticed that if you weren't busy taking offence at my supposed 'coldness'.

Where have we missed it? Who, what, where is to blame. Society? Technology? Imperialism? (No, that's far fetched), something ought to be done and fast. A reorientation's highly needed and possibly, finishing schools like we had in the Victorian era be set up again.

Please, we shouldn't forget this little courtesies that were groomed into us as children in the name of I'm a boss, I'm a supervisor, I'm the president, no. It ought not be so, it reeks of bad manners, simple. So because the other person's a persona non grata, s/he's not deserving of the basics? Let's go back to the drawing board cos this has passed be careful.

Photo Credit: Google

Monday, 22 February 2016

Managing Expectations

I have learnt from experience that the only way to avoid been disappointed is to expect nothing from no one. Expectations are breeding grounds for disappointments which in turn produces resentment and bitterness (should they be unmet) in varying degrees depending on how one longed for such expectations to be met. 

Friday, 19 February 2016

A Nerdy World

This write up's just wow, I don't know what to term it {I leave that to you}. I enjoyed reading it and I feel you just might enjoy it as well especially for the literary minded persons like myself, I'm sure you'd relate with this. 

Reading's everything, I can't emphasise that enough. It's widely said that knowledge is power and one major way of acquiring knowledge's via reading but 'nuff said already, let's get back to that piece; mind, I took the liberty of Sourcemodifying a few things like switching the genders and some books. Enjoy→

Don’t date a woman who reads. She will be interesting. Your romantic dates will be like Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Your late night conversation will take hours to end. She will throw ideas and expect you to bounce something back. Brain exercises are not for the lazies.

Don’t date a woman who reads. She is fine spending time on her own. She can entertain herself for hours with or without you. A Brief History of Time might be your worst enemy. You might wonder if she's having an affair with Silas Marner or Harry Potter. You will always have to share her time with books. And, when you work late, she won’t get upset; books will keep her company.

Don’t date a woman who reads. She is hard to please. Ideas and imagination are the fuel to her brain. You will chase the knowledge and become a better version of yourself. She might want to teach you How To Win Friends And Influence People.

Don’t date a woman who reads. She is intelligent. Smart people know to invest in themselves. You will have to keep up and be more than just a hot body or a fine face. Beauty fades. Intelligence will show you the road From Here to Eternity. She will turn you from Good to Great.

Don’t date a woman who reads. She will listen to your thoughts and dreams. She won’t let you sit still; she will make you chase them. It cannot be harder than The Journey To The West. She will tell you that your only limit is you.

Don’t date a woman who reads. She will Think And Grow Rich. She knows reading is always a bargain. She will borrow thousands of people’s brains to turn her vision into reality. The Richest Man In Babylon will be put to shame.

Don’t date a woman who reads. She is a critical thinker. She has seen different opinions through thousands of pages. Reading teaches great analytical skills. Every little challenge will have a strategy session from The Art Of War. If you have a tough decision, she might have the solution. And you will have to learn to accept help from others.

Don’t date a woman who reads. She has a sense of perspective. She knows her problems will never be harder than the people in The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.

Don’t date a woman who reads. She will always want to try new things. She will always try to get more out of life. For her, life's like an adventure like Around The World In Eighty Days. She will teach you how to Choose Yourself.

Don’t date a woman who reads. Her inner child is more alive. The Age of Innocence will never come to an end. Her curiosity and creativity will survive through school. And she won’t stop asking questions to find The Art Of Happiness.

Don’t date a woman who reads. She can be empathetic. She is used to putting herself in every character’s shoes. She will be there to pick you up when you fall. She knows Attitudes of Gratitude: How to Give and Receive Joy Everyday of Your Life.

Don’t date a woman who reads. She will like to challenge you like A Call To The Wild. She will give you book suggestions that will drive you crazy. She will push you hard to grow, and to share the journey with her. Nothing will be nice and smooth like a bed of roses. But the more you open your mind, the more things you will discover. And the more you read, the more you will realize you know nothing. And you won’t be able to stop chasing new ideas.

Don’t date a woman who reads. You will have a hard time reading her. The key to her heart lies below thousands of books. You will have to read things you don’t like. You will read things that will make you cry. You will read things that make you uncomfortable. That is part of every relationship. It will take real effort to meet her Great Expectations.

Don’t date a woman who reads. Because she is a storyteller. Everything through her eyes will look magical. One day she might tell your children The Greatest Story Never Told.

Never date a woman who reads. She is dangerous. Even if she looks like Jane Eyre, you will always find her sexy. You'll never leave her. Because every moment is like a new story in A Thousand And One Nights. She will be smart enough to see your value. Unlike The Snow Queen, she will treat you well. One day she might tell you that your Love Story was Right From The Beginning.

<And I couldn't resist chipping in this last bit :)>

Never date a woman who reads. She's a genius. She'll tell you that a A Tale of Two Cities is more than a tale and A Series of Unfortunate Events is no barrier to achieving her dreams.

Credit: Cammiphamm
Photo Credit: Google