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Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts

Wednesday 21 August 2024


*Street rats & louts

What do they have in common?

Beady suspect eyes

Yellowed with greed

Darting here and darting there

Seeking out the weak

The naive

The vulnerable 

Skank deposits

To devour 

Street rats


Litter the streets of Lagos

All aroaming

Hustling for their daily bread

The scraps and pieces of food

That trickle down their masters' table

That fall off the occupants' hand

Or forcefully taken

From the tenants of the land

Street rats

Scampering & scurrying

Rustling & looting 

Digging, snuffling 

Brazenly, on the streets of Lagos

The centre of excellence

The people's pride

Where it's being said;

Eko for life

Eko oni baje




Night falls when it ought
Do not hasten it my love
But do hasten my love

For night cometh
When men shall lay
As though dead

Then shall I
Like a flame, reawakened
Begin my toil

The midnight oil
Shall I burn
Until my dreams are fulfilled


Friday 26 January 2024

Workaholics United

This is for my workaholics, this year, try to take a breather every once on a while. You'll be thankful you did😉

I do enjoy playing with rhymes, not every time a long poem; short but to the point. Enjoy😊

Monday 22 January 2024

The Fight

I recently had an encounter with malaria and by Jove, it was horrible. I can count on one hand how many times I'd fallen this sick, such aggression, I'd never encountered. You can guess who won right?😁

*Cue in "stand up for the champion"*

So guys, that was how it went down. I was really angry at the doctor though, Lord forgive me, I thought he'd given a subpar medication.😄I mean, I'm treating stuff and it's refusing to go away?😄 Now I can laugh about it, but it wasn't funny then.

Oh well, all's well that ends well, I give God the glory.

Saturday 30 December 2023

The Burden of Grief

It creeps up on you unexpectedly 

Bringing with it, dead weight

With no time frame of its departure

And so you wait

You wait for the pain that'll soon hit

A pain so deep you feel you can't breath

A pain that feels like drowning

Gasping for air that isn't forthcoming 

Then you wait some more

For the reprieve, however brief that comes afterwards 

You wait for the guilt to hit

Yes guilt because the had I knowns become what ifs

For the wishes however vain, of doing it all over again

And then you wait, again

For the pain to subside

For the tears to stop flowing

For the ache to end

It's a waiting game

One that never ends

Cos this game, you'll play it over and over

In different ways

Different climes and times

Different scenarios 

A never ending cycle

All you can do is wait

For it to run its course

Tuesday 27 June 2023


A blank page at me stares
Why, I wonder
To be inked?
Be filled with verses?
Be soaked in tears?

To bear the whispers of imaginary voices?
Of thoughts cajoled into words?
To carry on long standing traditions
Of bulky volumes and sloppy handprints?

Still waiting

Straight lines and slanted writing
Like a fun house mirror,
Tilting the perception of things
Turning what ifs to why nots
Putting flesh to thoughts
And life to words


An act of patience
The silence of thinking
The sound of scribbling
On a blank page that stares at me
Waiting to be filled

Image, courtesy of @plethorae_jewelry

Saturday 23 December 2017

Princess Warrior

So many fights
So many battles 
The greatest I fear
Is the battle of self
I have an ongoing battle 
One I thought
I won a long time ago
A pyrrhic victory at best
But a victory nonetheless
Alas I fear, 
An old enemy's risen.
From the shadows
It had been banished to,
It arises
But fear not, 
For this time, 
It shall be conquered 
Once and for all.
Once and for good, 
Shall it be conquered.
My note indicates that I penned this at 11:58am on 24th December 2013. Hmm, it's been three years. And I was at work. I recall the circumstances that surrounded that scribble.

Everyone's got a demon they battle daily; personal demons, work demons, financial demons. For some, it may be anger, depression, lust, envy, pride, name it. God gives us the victory daily.


SOTD "New Dawn Fades" by Joy Division 

Wednesday 12 July 2017


There are eyes and then there are eyes. The writing challenge I participated in really did fire me up, I can only hope I maintain it. Cheers to a blessed day. 


Monday 10 July 2017

Jolly July

Hi darlings,

Issa new month, happy July guys. How was the weekend? Rainy right?  Yeah, same here and then Lekki was flooded, whew.

Saw pictures online since I've refused to own a TV set. Please don't ask why, cos I assure you that my answer wouldn't make a lick of sense.

There's a lot I wanna say but don't even know where to start. So, that's that. Once again, happy lollified July.


Did I mention I spent the entire weekend indoors? Well I'd have felt it if not that I was kept busy with the wig I was working on. Handwork's good I tell you. Sometimes.

Will also be sharing some of my write ups next month. Yesss, I'd participated in a competition on IG (my first😁) and it was fun I tell you. And challenging too. It's not beans writing daily, ya'll can testify to it here, hehe. So, the goal's to share one for everyday. Should've started this month but well, as you can see, we're way into the month. So August by God's grace, will be sharing a write-up everyday God willing.

Since June was 30 days and August 31, will be throwing in a last day bonus😉

Bye people, I leave you with "Holy Grail", it was my sound accompaniment all through my lazy busy weekend😘

Wednesday 31 May 2017

My Glasses and I

Different shades of Shades

I hear so often that I look different with and/or without my glasses on. I guess that's true for most glass wearers, you'd definitely look different after all, just putting on a pair of sunshades could be the difference between life and death in all those spy movies.

So, I dedicate this poem to all glass wearers worldwide and to all of my glasses who've faithfully served, has served and will serve me; future, past and present.
When vision fails and threatens to fade
My glasses come to the rescue‎

When my eyes sore and tired wail‎
She comes to my aid

When it's too bright
My eyes‎ she shades 

For all of these 
Do I love her?

I could never love her

Each the other tolerates
However, she knows I'm the boss of her‎

Thursday 30 March 2017

Once Upon a Wish

Once upon a time

I wished upon a well 

I wished for a job
Where I’d be paid kabillions without lifting a finger 
I wished for love, pure and sweet without the heartache   
I wished for painless and ish free human relationships
I wished for a tall dark and handsome man to fawn over me
I wished for a state of the art home in a highbrow area
Without the inconveniences that comes with building a home
I wished to have the perfect family and life
I wished to be successful
But not too successful
I wished to have a joyful life void of challenges 
I wished to be grown up and be my own person
I wished to have the wisdom of the sage sans life's hard lessons 
I wished for a stress free life 
I wished be taken seriously
But not too serious 
I wished to “settle” 
Now I wish to be free

What else do I wish for?

I wish…
What do I want?

A chuckle floats up the well with a soft voice saying 

"Child, you do not know what you wish for 
When the fish fly and birds swim 
When the grave belches its satisfaction 
And the fire cackles in satiation 
Then shall you have your wishes
Till then, get yourself another wishing well."

Photo Credit: Omoniyi David

Thursday 22 December 2016

To the lady in the long skirt...

To the lady in the long skirt

I see you daily
You in your flowing long skirts
Not minding that such's practically gone extinct
Yet you carry on
Like your flowing locks of hair

To the lady in the long skirt
I like your attire
Clothed in modesty's best
I'd like to be you
I'm glad I'm you

Your flowing long skirts to me
Represent unconformity
They speak to me
They tell me that I don't need to cater to society's standards of beautification or adornment

They tell deep things

They tell me that I don't need to be naked
To feel loved
That I don't need to go unclad
To be admired

You young lady are brave
You are strong
And I admire you

To the lady in the long skirt
Despite the ridicule
And the laughter
And the name calling
Keep being you

To the lady in the long skirt
You're the girl after my heart
Rock on girl
Don't believe the lie that you're outdated
And old-fashioned
And out of touch
And not fashion forward
Rock on girl
With your long flowing skirts

This is to that lady in the long flowing skirt...

Thursday 30 June 2016

Thank God I'm a Woman?

This Poem is loaded with so much Sarcasm, I just had to share. It's by Anna Wickham and is titled "The Affinity". Enjoy.

I have to thank God I'm a woman, 
For in these ordered days a woman only 
Is free to be very hungry, very lonely. 

It is sad for Feminism, but still clear 
That man, more often than woman, is pioneer. 
If I would confide a new thought, 
First to a man must it be brought. 

Now, for our sins, it is my bitter fate 
That such a man wills soon to be my mate, 
And so of friendship is quick end: 
When I have gained a love I lose a friend. 

It is well within the order of things 
That man should listen when his mate sings;
But the true male never yet walked 
Who liked to listen when his mate talked. 

I would be married to a full man, 
As would all women since the world began; 
But from a wealth of living I have proved 
I must be silent, if I would be loved. 

Now of my silence I have much wealth, 
I have to do my thinking all by stealth. 
My thoughts may never see the day; 
My mind is like a catacomb where early Christians pray. 

And of my silence I have much pain, 
But of these pangs I have great gain; 
For I must take to drugs or drink, 
Or I must write the things I think. 

If my sex would let me speak, 
I would be very lazy and most weak; 
I should speak only, and the things I spoke 
Would fill the air awhile, and clear like smoke. 

The things I think now I write down, 
And some day I will show them to the Town. 
When I am sad I make thought clear; 
I can re-read it all next year. 

I have to thank God I'm a woman, 
For in these ordered days a woman only 
Is free to be very hungry, very lonely. 

Life's beautiful...Smile
Photo Credit(s): Vecteezy, Shutterstock.

Thursday 16 June 2016


There are faces 
And then there are faces
A bitch resting face
A neutral face
A mad face
An angry face
A sick face
A tired face
A world weary face
A bright face
A cunning face
And tons of other faces
I love them all equally 
Or unequally?

This face I wear
Ain't mine
I borrow faces
To emote feelings
Running wild in my head 
In my body 
In my mind

I wear many faces
Each day
A different face
Each situation
A different face
Each occasion
A different face

These faces I wear-
Disappointed ‎
-I wear them with pride

Today it's a shiny face
Tomorrow it's a mask of a face
Some with a measure of hesitancy
I wear
Some faces are formidable
And threatening to other faces
I wear these faces only when needed
On extreme contrivances

Many faces have I
But I'm stuck with two
These two faces I find
Are all that I need
They carry the messages
I desire to spread
These faces of mine
Have served unreservedly
Swerving neither left nor right
As straight as parallel lines
Remain they
These are the faces I favour

This face I wear
Wears me out sometimes 
I teach it to laugh 
But it adamantly refuses 
So I borrow a laughing face
This isn't my face

My face is fair
And long
And fair
And pimply
And dimply

That's my face alright
But the face that looks out at me now
I fear
I do not recognise

This face of mine
It draws people to me
And chases others away from me
This face of mine
Mine yet not mine

This face I wear
Does it accurately portray me?
Am I my face?
Is my face I?

This face I wear
Simple yet complex
Underneath the lines 
The care worn lines
Of having lived
Underneath the crags and craters
That garnish the surface of my face
Lies yet more faces

The face of worry
The face of doubt 
The face of shame
The face of anxiety
Many faces have I 
But above all
I prefer my homely face
My homely face exudes peace
My homely face exudes love

This face I wear

Which do you wear?
I wear the face of success 
And when I'm feeling exceptional gay
I wear the fey
The fey face never fails me
When times are bad
Then comes out the bold
The rock face's strong and hard
But then 
It's too heavy for comfort 
I can barely carry it around 

I pray they continue to serve
These faces of mine
Until the day
I put them finally to rest
And that I shall do with a smile
Knowing that I have used them all
And exhausted them of whatever life drop
They might have possessed