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Showing posts with label End of year post. Show all posts
Showing posts with label End of year post. Show all posts

Sunday 31 December 2023

A wonderful year ends


It's the last day of the year 2023🥳🥳, congratulations.

It's been God for us, it's been God for us. Wow! Yeah, wow cos collectively, we've been through a lot but here we are, saying goodbye and looking with hope filled eyes at 2024, isn't God good?

Whatever it is that we're doing, whatever it is that we started and didn't finish or couldn't continue in the last year, I'd like to say continue. Finish it in the new year. Don't throw in the towel or beat yourself up cos of a time frame that you gave yourself. I mean, you're alive to continue right? That's the most important thing if you ask me; the gift of life. 

It's quite easy to get lost in the details of hitting ones' goals and targets but let's try to remember that it is the living (and the healthy living btw), that can smash goals. Believe me, if you were in the hospital fighting for your life, the last thing you'd be thinking of is meeting goals and targets.

So as we reflect and count down to the new year, let's try to give ourselves some credit, we have tried, and more importantly, God has tried for us. Whew!

Thursday 31 December 2020

Fare thee well, 2020

It's no longer news how 2020 went. The sighs and groans of the year reverberates through the universe. It's been a long year made even longer by all the pauses and stops to our activities, but in everything, I give thanks. 

I'll be back...

Monday 31 December 2018

2018 in Review

2018 i.e
Hi guys, it's another year wrapped to the glory of God. Thank you all for keeping in touch and at par with adnilscorner. It's really encouraging when I see comments and messages from ya'll. It's encouraging, gracias.

This review is mostly for me and some of it, for you. I'll be highlighting some posts/articles that might have been missed or that are personal faves of mine. This year, I realise I didn't do a lot of fiction. I was mostly introspective it would seem. Yeah. But in all, I'm mighty super exceedingly glad that my year's goal for 2018 which I'd outlined here, was mostly accomplished. Woo-hoo. Did I read all those stuffy books I said I would? Nah. But I'm trying, honestly. It would seem that even though I'm a book lover, I have my niche. And it ain't academic. Did I conclude my schooling? Woo-hoo. I'm glad to announce that I did. Did I save? Uh....well, I did!!! I am rather. Or I'm still on it? Heh🤷🏻

Business wise, I kinda lost steam with my Midastouch hair salon. Yo, that's my business for those of y'all that don't know. My relocation did a number on me TBH. It's not easy to uproot oneself from the familiar basically and try to grow roots in another place. But hey, that's that, working on it. Will find my balance soon enough. I hope. Which brings me to putting myself out there, did I or didn't I? This, I'm not so sure what the answer is, it seems to be a lil of both. 

So! Review's not about what happened in the blogosphere or the country at large, uh uh. I also need to officially state that the MMC series' on pause mode. Mostly due to insufficient raw materials, sad. I really liked writing about what goes on in official settings. 

The year started out on a sad note for me, lost my dad. It was heartbreaking and birthed this post. Meandered through and found myself married. Really, that's how it happened. Yours truly woke up one day and gbam! Marriage, just laik dat 😂 and then, she quit her job and relocated all the way to a city that people say “they're all mad there” lol. Note, that's a direct quotation. I seem to be putting too many disclaimers these days. Yeah, the walls have ears it's said. 

The highlight of 2018 for me's embedded in this post. I think I did a lot of meditations on God's love this year, that I wonder...
Am I still on track?

Well, gotta go now. See you shortly. For 2019, I intend to return to my first love, poetry 😍. Yes, 2018 did bring a lot of changes, but that's no excuse. Cheers... See you all next year, God willing. 😁