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Showing posts with label New year's eve. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New year's eve. Show all posts

Sunday, 31 December 2023

A wonderful year ends


It's the last day of the year 2023๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ, congratulations.

It's been God for us, it's been God for us. Wow! Yeah, wow cos collectively, we've been through a lot but here we are, saying goodbye and looking with hope filled eyes at 2024, isn't God good?

Whatever it is that we're doing, whatever it is that we started and didn't finish or couldn't continue in the last year, I'd like to say continue. Finish it in the new year. Don't throw in the towel or beat yourself up cos of a time frame that you gave yourself. I mean, you're alive to continue right? That's the most important thing if you ask me; the gift of life. 

It's quite easy to get lost in the details of hitting ones' goals and targets but let's try to remember that it is the living (and the healthy living btw), that can smash goals. Believe me, if you were in the hospital fighting for your life, the last thing you'd be thinking of is meeting goals and targets.

So as we reflect and count down to the new year, let's try to give ourselves some credit, we have tried, and more importantly, God has tried for us. Whew!

Thursday, 31 December 2020

Fare thee well, 2020

It's no longer news how 2020 went. The sighs and groans of the year reverberates through the universe. It's been a long year made even longer by all the pauses and stops to our activities, but in everything, I give thanks. 

I'll be back...

Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Goodbye 2019...

Yeeeeehaaaaw, I'm really excited. 2019's over and it was absolutely thrilling, a beatific year it was, hashtag, I'm blessed ๐Ÿ˜

So, the year was slated for poetry according to this here post but that didn't happen (on the blog at least). Rather, I had more of narratives. I enjoyed 2019 and looking back, God has been gracious to I and my family. 

This year saw me welcome my baby girl, Oluoma. Honestly, she's the highlight of 2019. Here are some pictures of her, my preciousssss.
Here, her arrival. 
And it's been this way since... ๐Ÿ˜Š
 I love her
I've not got much to say about the year to be honest but I'm grateful and thankful. That, I believe, is enough.

God bless you all and keep you and usher you into 2020. Remain in Him... 

Monday, 31 December 2018

Diary of a new Lagos Wife๐Ÿ’: The year of Firsts

Dear diary,

A merry Christmas to you. How was it? Mine was spectacular.
Yeah, spectacularly spectacular. Experienced Christmas in Lagos for the first time and it was...hmm, dunno yet. 

This year's Christmas also happens to be my first Christmas as a “Mrs” (there seems to be a lot of firsts happening to and around me lately) and it was ok. Not exactly as tentatively planned, but ok. There will always be other Christmas'es' I told myself. 

So, attended the Christmas service with the family and spent some part of the day with the extended family cooking up a storm in the kitchen ๐Ÿ˜‹ with the CCO (Chief Commanding Officer), my mother in-law supervising ๐Ÿ˜ Afterwards, had a really quiet day no thanks to the powers that be, PHCN.  To cut short a rather boring long story, allow me to tell the story with pictures. 

 Trying to reason how to go about making our first Christmas really memorable and beginning to feel stressed. Even before I'd started anything๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿป.
 Yay, me finally catching the holiday spirit bug as soon as I started the decorations. Ably assisted by my bruva*
                                    Victory at last๐Ÿ˜„

And then cooking began in ernest. Here, I was the assistant chef๐Ÿ˜

Christmas morning๐Ÿ˜

And that was it. The highlight of the whole affair IMO was hosting guests, haha. My hostessing skills are quite rusty, believe me. 

Another surprise, the roads and streets of Lagos were empty and traffic was relatively light. I'd been told it would be that way. But Lagos? That's chock-full of human beings? Like sardines in a tin box? Impossicant I thought. But, seeing was indeed believing as it's said. Apparently, all the wise men from the East who'd migrated West to hustle, had returned home for the holidays, hehehe. Please do not quote me anywhere. 

There were still pockets of traffic here and there but not your typical Mexican stand off (according to hubby). Not that I strayed too far from my locale, nope. Waiting to see how the new year celebrations would look like. I've heard, touts take over during the cross over nights that are usually held in churches. Well, *Fingers Crossed*
And yes, Boxing Day did indeed look like this. There's more than enough to go round, please help yourself๐Ÿ˜€. Merry Christmas once again. 

*Bruva - Brother

Sunday, 31 December 2017


So, it's finally come to this *sigh*
Please don't leave, pretty please don't. 
We were so good together, are you gonna throw away an entire year? Just like that?
Lol, I dunno what the above is, but it just came to mind. So, to the main gist: 2017 highlights. Yeahhhhh, I, like so many others (I'm sure) am taking stock. How did the year go, what did we do, what didn't we do, what should we have done  differently and yada yada. 

2017 was a good year. Although in the beginning, it wasn't so. My theme for the year was 'hopeful' and you could say things did turn out that way. In retrospect, it was also a year of cakes, lol. The year of cakes, I like how that sounds. Had too much of it. So, here are a few highlights of 2017 as it concerns me biko, not the world.
-I moved into my own apartment. Whoohoo, I'm still excited about that. But wait, did I say apartment? Lol, biko, room. 
-Floated a business this year.
-Came outta the closet with my writing.
-Attained lofty heights spiritually. I was actually intentional with my spirituality this year, wawu.
-And yes, I finally did start walking the talk. I'm talking about love, walking in love. This is probably tied to the spiritual height mentioned up there. It is actually tied to it, who am I deceiving?
-Another wawu here, I was more outgoing. Put myself out there (whatever that means), made new friends and just generally didn't take life too serious this year. Yippee, progress. Again, in the beginning, it wasn't so. 
-Started upon an idea for a book (Lord help me, I'm a wonderful procrastinator).
-Acquired a new skill, gele tying. I'm sure someone was thinking coding, lol. And since then, I've been rocking gele upandan
-Attended a lot of weddings. Like really, a lot...
and other stuff that I'm grateful to God for. 
And...that's it. Sounds like a busy year yeah? False.

In as much as those wonderful things happened, certain things didn't.
-Didn't conclude my studies as I'd intended
-Zero savings no thanks to some poor financial decisions I made early in the year.
-And then I failed to finish my tailoring course. It wasn't convenient honestly, but it still hurts when I think of it. 
-I also didn't exactly follow up on my commitment to the blog this year.

Projections for 2018
I've got one and only one, to be done with my studies. I'm so tired of been so tired of it hanging around my neck. Who send me work? Perhaps when I'm done with that, I can now focus properly on my career path. I need to look into that. Oh, and also to try more in putting myself out there (whatever that does mean). ๐Ÿ˜

Oh, and one more, be more intentional with my book list. Venture out to read more business books and technical stuff? Books on economics, world economy and power, you know, all those sorta stuffy books? (My heart rate just spiked when I typed that) lol. It's difficult reading such books and that's why I have to be intentional about it.

Generally, 2017 was amazing and I owe most of that to you guys. Yes, you. Thanks for  all of the encouragement; reading, commenting, liking and sharing all them write ups. Really, it did mean a lot. Here's saying I love you all, keep the flag flying. And for those of us who barely achieved ½ of what we'd set out to do during the year, the race ain't over. Keep keeping on ๐Ÿ˜‰

Photo Credit: Google Images

Saturday, 31 December 2016

Hate to see you go, Love to watch you leave (Repost)

So today marks the end of the year 2016 at exactly 00:00 hours; count down's begun and it's time to close our books and usher in the new year.
Yo! Hands up in the air if you're excited to see 2016 end. I pretty much am. 
Share with us, how was your 2016? Did you meet all of your goals? Like, all of 'em? Did you? Did you not? Did you lose the weight? Save more money? Laughed more? Lived more? Well whatever your response is, you did fine and that you're alive to see year's end is proof. In my previous post, I borrowed a movie line about not ticking your last tock and tocking your last tick. Well, it's true. Go on ticking until you run out of ticks. Oops, didn't mean to sound dreary.

Don't have much to say but as a family here at AsC, we say thank you for being there, for reading, for your feedback and above all, for sticking with us on this journey. We love you.

Before I sign out, here are a few highlights of 2016 in adniLs cornerville in case you missed them:

  • Here we're introduced to Ztembe and her workers' tale in Monday Moaners' Club
  • Here's Ana in Journal of a Missionary Wife
  • And in pieces of me, we have the Frank Friday entries
  • And our first ever debut guest post. Yaay, pretty much pumped about that one and lemme use the opportunity to encourage anyone that might have a write up to share with us. We'd love to feature you on here, feel free to contact us at
So that's that, there are much more but I said 'highlights' so stick around and search out this treasure land for yourselves.
Happy new year's eve friends.


Photo Credt: A friend