Oh my, I got feedbacks! Whooheeeeeee💃🏻💃🏻. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It does mean so much to me to know that you're reading and can relate with my "rambles"😂, thank you. Please, do keep the love coming, it does a lot for me (motivates & encourages). Think of yourself as the wind beneath my sail *soars*, thank you🙏🏻
Search Me
Friday, 2 February 2024
Tuesday, 5 January 2021
The Hustle
Dear diary,
The spirit's finally got me. Lagos hustling spirit's finally got me. Oh, I'm so under its anointing and influence🤭🤭
Remember when I talked to you about job hunting (check here please)? Well, it's been sweet and sour. I got some good leads amidst the bad eggs but it turns out that I'm not ready! Surprised yeah? Me too. I'd thought with all the efforts I'd put into this job hunt that when one came along, I'd be ready and just about willing to do it, but then, reality has yet again proven itself superior to expectations.
So, ever since then, I've been looking within me, albeit fearfully, what can I do? What do I have that the world needs huh? 🤔
And that my friends, is the million dollar question. I'll be sure to let you know when I do find out😁. Till then...
Saturday, 27 July 2019
A Housewife's Tale
So begins my house wife chronicles aka SAHM. Hopefully, it won't be long and I'd be a career woman. Either way, God's perfect will be done, I ain't complaining refuse to complain.
Tuesday, 9 July 2019
Diary of a new Lagos Wife💍: Travails of a Lagos Driver
Tuesday, 23 April 2019
Diary of a new Lagos wife: Covid - 19
Diary of a new Lagos wife: snail hunters
Diary of a new Lagos wife: Easter
Thursday, 21 February 2019
Diary of a new Lagos Wife💍: The Job Hunter 🔫 🏹
- This is Lagos. If this had been said about an Abuja neighborhood, nah, wouldn't believe it. But here in Lagos, anything (if not all things) is possible.
- I live in such a neighborhood and what he claimed, I'm experiencing. So yeah, I believe that.
P. S
Friday, 18 January 2019
Diary of a new Lagos Wife💍: The Market Woman
I realise I didn't talk about my very first time in an international market, aww. I'd wanted to but forgot? I guess. Anyways, I recall how my head wouldn't stop swivelling upon stepping feet in one, lol.
There was so much to see. And buy. And then see again. So much. My eyes couldn't take it all in at once. I nearly became dizzy. I'd gone with my sissy for some wedding shopping at the highly heard of Balogun market.
Saturday, 5 January 2019
Diary of a new Lagos Wife💍: New year Bants
- Food: for those that don't know, I identify as a foodie 😋. Food stuffs'
extremelycheap here. At least compared to where I'm coming from. Not veggies though (carrots et al. The North owns those). - Erm... That's it! Lol, actively searching for more reasons. Were I to be a party kinda person, Lagos woulda been for me. They're good at partying I've observed.
Monday, 31 December 2018
Diary of a new Lagos Wife💍: The year of Firsts
So, attended the Christmas service with the family and spent some part of the day with the extended family cooking up a storm in the kitchen 😋 with the CCO (Chief Commanding Officer), my mother in-law supervising 😁 Afterwards, had a really quiet day no thanks to the powers that be, PHCN. To cut short a rather
Yay, me finally catching the holiday spirit bug as soon as I started the decorations. Ably assisted by my bruva*
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Victory at last😄 |
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And then cooking began in ernest. Here, I was the assistant chef😁 |
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Christmas morning😍 |
And that was it. The highlight of the whole affair IMO was hosting guests, haha. My hostessing skills are quite rusty, believe me.
Another surprise, the roads and streets of Lagos were empty and traffic was relatively light. I'd been told it would be that way. But Lagos? That's chock-full of human beings? Like sardines in a tin box? Impossicant I thought. But, seeing was indeed believing as it's said. Apparently, all the wise men from the East who'd migrated West to hustle, had returned home for the holidays, hehehe. Please do not quote me anywhere.
There were still pockets of traffic here and there but not your typical Mexican stand off (according to hubby). Not that I strayed too far from my locale, nope. Waiting to see how the new year celebrations would look like. I've heard, touts take over during the cross over nights that are usually held in churches. Well, *Fingers Crossed*
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😁😋🤐 |
*Bruva - Brother
Monday, 17 December 2018
Diary of a new Lagos Wife💍:The wedding party 🎊
I really dunno what's obtainable in the iro and buba game, whether it's strictly for mamas (that's the general consensus) or young 'uns like us can also participate. I hear friends say they can't wear them and yours truly was once in that boat until she saw the light in person of a young girl who rocked it.
Traffic! 🚥
Friday, 14 December 2018
Diary of a new Lagos Wife💍: Imagine Dragons
Trivia: today's entry subject matter's a band name. Yup. I love their song “Believer”, check it out.