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Wednesday 21 August 2024


*Street rats & louts

What do they have in common?

Beady suspect eyes

Yellowed with greed

Darting here and darting there

Seeking out the weak

The naive

The vulnerable 

Skank deposits

To devour 

Street rats


Litter the streets of Lagos

All aroaming

Hustling for their daily bread

The scraps and pieces of food

That trickle down their masters' table

That fall off the occupants' hand

Or forcefully taken

From the tenants of the land

Street rats

Scampering & scurrying

Rustling & looting 

Digging, snuffling 

Brazenly, on the streets of Lagos

The centre of excellence

The people's pride

Where it's being said;

Eko for life

Eko oni baje



*Inspired by the big street rats (whether DOA), that I come across (quite too regularly I must say & to my displeasure), on my street.

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