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Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Goodbye 2019...

Yeeeeehaaaaw, I'm really excited. 2019's over and it was absolutely thrilling, a beatific year it was, hashtag, I'm blessed 😁

So, the year was slated for poetry according to this here post but that didn't happen (on the blog at least). Rather, I had more of narratives. I enjoyed 2019 and looking back, God has been gracious to I and my family. 

This year saw me welcome my baby girl, Oluoma. Honestly, she's the highlight of 2019. Here are some pictures of her, my preciousssss.
Here, her arrival. 
And it's been this way since... 😊
 I love her
I've not got much to say about the year to be honest but I'm grateful and thankful. That, I believe, is enough.

God bless you all and keep you and usher you into 2020. Remain in Him... 


uprig he t said...

Congratulations, ma'am. So, Oluoma arrived via Stork Airlines? I thought it was God's Graceways?

Leahndah Kriz said...

Haha, It's that o, with a subcontractor involved. Thank you 😁