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Friday, 2 February 2024

The Hustle II

Oh my, I got feedbacks! Whooheeeeeee๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿป. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It does mean so much to me to know that you're reading and can relate with my "rambles"๐Ÿ˜‚, thank you. Please, do keep the love  coming, it does a lot for me (motivates & encourages). Think of yourself as the wind beneath my sail *soars*, thank you๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

Dear diary,

I think I left some gaps in our last convo. I wasn't completely completely open & barely said much, I don't know why though and truthfully, can't recall cos it's been sooooo long, a lot of rains have fallen and yada yada, you get the gist.

So, I got some questions on why & how I wasn't ready. Well, a few factors really, chief being (which is  the main koko actually as it affects other points), is the island mainland disparity (what's that?๐Ÿคญ) Lol, think of Lagos as this megacity with worlds between them, like there's a great divide and getting from one end to the other end's a herculean task๐Ÿ˜, gorrit?

Most of the jobs, blue collared jobs you know, think tie and suit, are populated on one end and I, am at the other end. Shuffling between both, at peak hours of traffic is quite hellish, believe me. I'd have to move if I want to keep sane and be productive at wherever it is I'd be working. That way, everyone's happy, including me๐Ÿ˜. It'd also help me cut down on a tonnnnn of costs.

Also, the remuneration, the offers have been...well, they don't quite cut it. All things considered (transportation, feeding, maintenance etal), I'd be getting the short end of the stick.

Resumption time, 8am! I know, I know, where's the challenge? Well...I can't go into this in detail, just think child welfare (I hope you get the picture). 

Well, I just think, I'm not ready after all and I have to reconsider my priorities; family/career and choose what will work out for us, for me, in the long run. Yeah.

So, that's that. I hope you're satisfied with my answers. If you're not, leave a comment just under this post and I'll try to sort you out so we're on the same page. As you all know [or don't], I take your comprehension of my posts seriously ๐Ÿ˜

Alright now, that said, it's bye from here, tata.


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