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Sunday, 14 August 2016

Sunday Special: Journal of a Missionary Wife 𐌠𐌠𐌠

Breathe in, breathe out, yes, that's it Ana. It's been one hectic day, haven't had a breather since my 4 am abrupt jerk out of sleep.

Geoff had been the first to hear it, the screams. He'd been going over his sermon when he thought he'd heard screaming, it was muffled at first but then intensified and that was when I woke up.

You won't believe this, but I felt anger first cos I was having a lovely dream. I dreamt that I was at a Park playing with a lil' girl. Could this be a sign Lord? Sometimes though, like this morning, I feel I'm too selfish, Lord only knows why he called me to be a Missionary's wife. I feel so unworthy, I find myself falling short too many times. He qualifies the called I know...but it's so hard.

So, it turns out the screaming was a laughing hyena, can You believe it? After the anguish it made me pass through? No wonder the locals weren't to be bothered when the screaming first broke out. I'd never have associated that scream with laughter, all the more reason to get out of here soonest.

They say every once in a while, they (hyenas) scream that way to attract persons to kill. It had happened before and some unsuspecting person would rush out, thinking someone was in distress only to fall victim to these rabid vile creatures.

One can't be too careful these days. I wonder if I should tell Geoff of my conversation with Numi? No, he has enough on his plate right now. My sweet looks more and more drawn these days, Lord help him. Who'd have thought there was more to been a missionary than teaching the Word? Laughs.

I'm so tired diary, so tired but in a good way.

Take charge Lord.

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