Admittedly, I don't regard smiling as an area of strength for me so I'm always taken in by a genuine one. I came across an old lady today. Yes, lady not woman with a really beautiful smile. It was the smile that got me I must confess. I wondered what a radiant smile could be doing on such a face. It was such a contrast.
I kinda have a thing for smiles since I find it difficult manufacturing one (for lack of a better word) for people.
There are tons of things to smile about, yeah and a lot of things on the other hand to worry about and I applaud and envy those who make the right choice of smiling.💪
The Bible says a cheerful heart doeth good like medicine but a heavy heart drieth up the bones.
Note to self, learn to smile more even foolishly if need be and yesss, I came across this very lovely song by Linkin park, 'Roads Untraveled'. I loveet. Another thing I'm partial to? Rock. Here's a video; you can sing along, lyrics' the image above.
I certainly know a lot about 'foolish smiles'. Only trouble is people often take them too literally...sometimes. Hehehe
Lol, I can imagine
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