The alarm rings yet again and for the hundredth time, Ztembe slams it shut. Oh God, why did you have to create Monday, why? She grumbles as she flings the sheet off her and gingerly sets one foot before the other to begin her daily ritual.
Rushing out, she goes through her mental checklist, mental armour she calls them:
*pepper spray, defense against nosy colleagues, check.
*raincoat, to shake off nay sayers, check.
*face mask, to not smell the boss' bullshit, check.
*plastic smile, for Sembe and Sempei, check.
*sunshade, to wade off the evil eyes, check.
With everything checked and a self satisfied smile playing on her lips, she waltzes out, confident in the fact that she was covered. Bring it on Monday.
Hi lovers,
I've actually missed Ztembe and her wahala, lol and I've missed writing this series. I'm sorry, I needed to take a look at the whole series again to remember why I started this in the first place, Monday and its beefers. Well I've got good news, Ztembe's back, ready to take y'all (and Monday) on and she's bringing the heat with her. Watch out!
Btw, I'm no longer a Monday moaner. Guess that's why I took a pause๐. Have a great week ahead and a lovely Monday. Oh and a happy end of month *doffshat*.
Peace out.