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Wednesday, 31 May 2017

My Glasses and I

Different shades of Shades

I hear so often that I look different with and/or without my glasses on. I guess that's true for most glass wearers, you'd definitely look different after all, just putting on a pair of sunshades could be the difference between life and death in all those spy movies.

So, I dedicate this poem to all glass wearers worldwide and to all of my glasses who've faithfully served, has served and will serve me; future, past and present.
When vision fails and threatens to fade
My glasses come to the rescue‎

When my eyes sore and tired wail‎
She comes to my aid

When it's too bright
My eyes‎ she shades 

For all of these 
Do I love her?

I could never love her

Each the other tolerates
However, she knows I'm the boss of her‎

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

For the Love of Musiq

I rocked with these guys during the weekend. Hey, envy notπŸ˜‹πŸ‘…
Yay, it's the first work day of the week and I'm pretty much pumped about itπŸ’ƒ. Time to act like an adult. Hi lovelies, how was your very long weekend? Most of us put it to good use I'm sure and most of us wasted spent it on 'us time' 😌😊.

Yesterday was Nigeria's Democracy day so it was a long weekend and I pretty much spent it cooped up indoors with youtube for company. Which brings me tooo *drumroll* Jidenna. Whew, I've never had a celebrity crush, he's definitely the first. I never knew Janelle Monae had a production company or is it a record label? Music aficionados please help. I love Janelle and her pompadours and her suits and for the fact that she sings social conscious songs and so I was pleased to see that Jidenna's her product or protΓ©gΓ© or signed up to her record? Well, bottom line is, I'm liking it. Wondaland record's the name and all her acts are really something. They have a special kinda magic if you ask me.  I love all of 'em. Ok, maybe a lil extra with Jidenna 😍😍😍

Definitely my kind of music.

Trivia: when you're asked what do you do all day indoors, tell them you're communing with the gods, hehe.

Photo Credit: Wondaland 

Monday, 29 May 2017


Let's talk about getting old. When last did you take a gooood look at your parents? Over the weekend, I did have a wake up call.

As young adults, we sometimes get so caught up in our lives that we forget our parents are getting older same way we are. In my mind's eye, I still see them with the eyes of a child, like they're strong and will always remain same way but that's only an illusion, they won't always remain same way and one day, they won't be around (fact).

Sometimes, I feel like the worst of daughters (who'd believe my story?) I mean, I'm good at forgetting about my parents as in, I only think about them in an unconscious kinda way and not in an intentional kinda way. Get my drift?

And something's always bothered me. Your happiness or your parents' happiness, which should be paramount? I know I won't get an answer, still I'm asking anyway. It gets so tiring trying to place others' happiness before yours (selfish much?) but it's true. I think I really need to work on that.

So I promised myself to try to do better. I'm not always the best of daughters, I mess up sometimes most times, haha (I'm laughing but I'm not. Really). 

Happy Dem's day BTW

Photo Credit: Sara's O world

SOTD (Song of the day) 'Towards the Sun'