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Sunday, 10 April 2016

Sunday Special: Journal of a Missionary Wife 𐌠𐌠

Day 2

The village's awash with rumors of war, I don't even know what's happening but everyone is tense, even Geoff. I've been asked to stay within the walls of the village for the time being but I'm so sad. That would mean missing my daily walk. It begun out of need for solace but had become daily ritual. I don't know if I can take that, but I'll wait and watch.

Geoff had arrived with a stiffness to his shoulders which I had immediately recognised. It would seem things had not gone the way he had anticipated. 

Sometimes I wondered why he bothered. He cared too much and that was his weakness. Although, he always laughed it off whenever I pointed it out, he considered it as strength. I don't understand and I doubt I ever will.

Lord, help him, help us, help the village. Let there be no war. It would be terrible. 

Just the other day, Numi, the eldest woman in the village had recounted her dream. I shudder to remember it, it had seemed so vivid and now these?

Geoff is barely around, he's always in one meeting or the other with the village elders. I wish he wouldn't get so involved but then, I wish a lot of things.  Like starting a family.

Take charge Lord.

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