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Tuesday 19 December 2017

Red light, Yellow light, Green light

So, I've had Simi's "Joromi" on repeat for a while now and this post is its result. Guys would say that they don't make a move cos they don't see any greenlight. And in my head I'm like, seriously? The funny part is, when that light's shone, they don't or can't even recognize it, which begs the question, why don't guys see the green light flashing? Or are the ladies flashing a teal light mistaking it for green? Lol. But, what are the actions and/or inactions that construe this green light sef?

So, who can relate with missing the lights and signs and/or misconstruing them?

Sigh, who can understand the ways of a man with a woman?* Just random thoughts. Last day at the office for me and I'm pretty much pumped. Bye work, hello holiday...


*Proverbs 30:18
Photo credit: google images

Monday 18 December 2017

Old Souls

How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? ~ Satchel Paige

There are days I feel so old, like today. 27 going on 100, hehe. Have you ever been called an old soul? Not to worry, it's not a bad thing. It only means that you've "lived" and "experienced" stuff that others way ahead of you (generations) did experience and you want to know the fun part? You weren't even physically present, you didn't get to live in that age and time. How cool is that?

Though when people say it, it's intended as an insult, major fail. Been an old soul's not really about dowdy dressing or acting all serious, nah. It simply means you view life differently and are not easily impressed by all the dazzle and flash around you, because why?  You've seen and done them all remember? Nothing new under the sun.

I recognize a lot of old souls amidst my friends, they're just the best to be with. So old soul, go forth and do you. Leave all these new souls to their shenanigans lol. Please don't mind me, I'm bored. My office closes for the year 2017 tomorrow, so I've got little if not nothing doing. Have a great week. I smell Christmas *in a sing song voice*. Byeee


Saturday 16 December 2017


It's not everyday one gets to meet good people and that's why saying goodbye to this set of people's heart breaking. One of my personal persons had to resign recently  and I miss her already. But that's life yeah? Coming and going. Today we meet people and tomorrow we say goodbye, sad.

Well, here's to baby girl, I wish you the best in all of your future endeavours. She was a sweet girl.

Monday 27 November 2017

Faceless Tales

"This face I wear's not mine. It was given me by life. When I was born, my parents said I had the fairest of faces. But looking at me now, you wouldn't be able to tell." 
"This face I wear's being mine for as long as I can remember. So why then do I feel like a stranger in it? I put it on, I play in it, I laugh in it, I cry in it. It's become a familiar stranger. But then I go home and once there, I take it off. No one need know that I'm faceless." 
"This face I wear's not mine but borrowed. I took it from my last kill and no one's the wiser for it. I had asked him to choose. He made his choice. And so I killed him and took his face. The kids need not know that this isn't their dad. That their dad lies six feet under because I wear his face. And I wear it even better."
Different women, similar stories...

Friday 20 October 2017

Frank Friday: A Case of Extreme Polarities

Hey guys, I'm happy to be back, howdy? I went AWOL again, yeah yeah, same old same old. Not excusing my lazy ass self though but it's all good.

The week's winding down, yippee right? How's it been for ya? On my end it was ok. It started out fantastically and I believe I rode on that wave all through the week.

So, (lol, my favest word) I've had this story for a while now, struggling with how best to tell it, sigh. It's a love story and for some weird reason, I struggle with writing romance. Not that it's hard to imagine. Have yourself a love filled weekend. The godly one I mean😉
Pray for me will ya?

Photo Source: friend's Facebook wall

Thursday 14 September 2017

The Least Lister

My to do list/bucket list/wish list/whatever list is quite simple; go to Venice, ride in a gondola and have the gondolier sing to me songs of love, heartbreak and tragedy.

I've also got lists for the most absurd of things;

Book list
Poem list
Friends list
Black list
Burn list
Gift list
The least however is,
My to do list
I rarely get to tick things off it cos I hardly stick to it. 

SOTD: Unsteady by X Ambassadors.

Wednesday 16 August 2017

Perks of Being a Wall Flower

If you're visiting for the first time, you'd best start with the prequel of this here for better understanding and then continue.

As with everything, being a wall flower comes with its pros and cons. Today however, I'm focusing on the pros.
So, here are the perks of being a wallflower in no particular order:

1. You tend to be privy to things that others aren't and that's because like the real thing the term's borrowed from, a wall flower's ever present like background noise that people don't notice. So people tend to forget you're there and go on to say and do things they wouldn't ordinarily say or do in another's presence.

2. Your aura reads, mystery, mystery. Yeah, you tend to know more about others without them knowing zilch about you. This creates that mysterious vibe around you.

3. You see what others don't see. This boils down to your observant nature; see but not be seen observe but not be observed. 

4. Wall flowers make for really good listeners. Easy to talk to and be around with. Which brings me to...

5. They make for great conversationalists if only they can be bothered long enough to come off the walls. You'd have to be patient enough to stand the process of getting the thoughts out of their brains and building them into words.

6. They're good at summing up situations with a glance, in seconds they take it all in and predict the out comes. Once more, chalk this up to their observant natures. Reading ambience and body language is almost second nature.

So there you have it, the perks of being a wallflower. Are all these hype? Lol,  I dunno, why don't you tell me? I'd love to hear your thoughts please. 


Monday 31 July 2017

MMC: Mental Armour

The alarm rings yet again and for the hundredth time, Ztembe slams it shut. Oh God, why did you have to create Monday, why? She grumbles as she flings the sheet off her and gingerly sets one foot before the other to begin her daily ritual.

Rushing out, she goes through her mental checklist, mental armour she calls them:

*pepper spray, defense against nosy colleagues, check.
*raincoat, to shake off nay sayers, check.
*face mask, to not smell the boss' bullshit, check.
*plastic smile, for Sembe and Sempei, check.
*sunshade, to wade off the evil eyes, check.

With everything checked and a self satisfied smile playing on her lips, she waltzes out, confident in the fact that she was covered. Bring it on Monday. 
Hi lovers, 

I've actually missed Ztembe and her wahala, lol and I've missed writing this series. I'm sorry, I needed to take a look at the whole series again to remember why I started this in the first place, Monday and its beefers. Well I've got good news, Ztembe's back, ready to take y'all (and Monday) on and she's bringing the heat with her. Watch out!

Btw, I'm no longer a Monday moaner. Guess that's why I took a pause😁. Have a great week ahead and a lovely Monday. Oh and a happy end of month *doffshat*.

Peace out. 

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Rock 'n' Smile

Admittedly, I don't regard smiling as an area of strength for me so I'm always taken in by a genuine one. I came across an old lady today. Yes, lady not woman with a really beautiful smile. It was the smile that got me I must confess. I wondered what a radiant smile could be doing on such a face. It was such a contrast.

I kinda have a thing for smiles since I find it difficult manufacturing one (for lack of a better word) for people.

There are tons of things to smile about, yeah and a lot of things on the other hand to worry about and I applaud and envy those who make the right choice of smiling.💪

The Bible says a cheerful heart doeth good like medicine but a heavy heart drieth up the bones.

Note to self, learn to smile more even foolishly if need be and yesss,  I came across this very lovely song by Linkin park,  'Roads Untraveled'. I loveet. Another thing I'm partial to? Rock. Here's a video; you can sing along, lyrics' the image above. 

Friday 14 July 2017

Frank Friday: Midnight Escapades

The things that happen at midnight are better left unsaid but I think my activities are innocuous enough to be talked about lol. I once used to be an active night crawler (nah, not in that way), I mean a night owl. Night time was when I was very active.

That year in school while men slept, Linda cooked, Linda washed, Linda mopped, Linda listened to loud music, Linda did a lot of things in that odd hour. My roommates heard it sha, lol. In my opinion, night time is divine. The silence and stillness, everywhere's so calm.

By night time I mean midnight. In this clime, the midnight hour's associated with a lot of terribles (is that a word please?); as that's when evil thrives under cover of darkness, and all. Midnight hour's that doorway between the living and dead. Yep, I said it. A doorway between the known and the unknown, the banal and the mystical. That hour where anything's possible. It's like a special time when anything can happen. Many folklore associate the midnight hour with magic; tales of mystic, mystery and a certain touch of awe. The dead come back to walk among the living, the pretty maiden changes back to her 'real' form, the wolf-man changes its form, skinchangers and other monsters walk upon the earth's surface. Whew, I could go on and on but I'm not Dean Koontz and the rest. It's when all the magic happens sha, you get.

Simply put, the midnight hour is the best of times to be productive (my opinion). It's the best of times to pray, to listen, to meditate and to strategise. The midnight hour's a time to recharge and reboot by sleeping (for those who don't appreciate what the hour connotes) and I wrote that in the most condescending of tones by the way. I mean, how can you not appreciate that hour? Lol, I kid biko cos I'm now team sleep (on good days). I'd better enjoy it while stock lasts.

It's time I switched off now, it's 1:52 am btw. I've burnt my midnight oil to the ground and my hour's up. Just thought to pen this down.

I had fun scaring folks with that photo😂😹
Oh, and I've got cold. Again. Dunno how the virus keeps getting me😐😑