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Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Perks of Being a Wall Flower

If you're visiting for the first time, you'd best start with the prequel of this here for better understanding and then continue.

As with everything, being a wall flower comes with its pros and cons. Today however, I'm focusing on the pros.
So, here are the perks of being a wallflower in no particular order:

1. You tend to be privy to things that others aren't and that's because like the real thing the term's borrowed from, a wall flower's ever present like background noise that people don't notice. So people tend to forget you're there and go on to say and do things they wouldn't ordinarily say or do in another's presence.

2. Your aura reads, mystery, mystery. Yeah, you tend to know more about others without them knowing zilch about you. This creates that mysterious vibe around you.

3. You see what others don't see. This boils down to your observant nature; see but not be seen observe but not be observed. 

4. Wall flowers make for really good listeners. Easy to talk to and be around with. Which brings me to...

5. They make for great conversationalists if only they can be bothered long enough to come off the walls. You'd have to be patient enough to stand the process of getting the thoughts out of their brains and building them into words.

6. They're good at summing up situations with a glance, in seconds they take it all in and predict the out comes. Once more, chalk this up to their observant natures. Reading ambience and body language is almost second nature.

So there you have it, the perks of being a wallflower. Are all these hype? Lol,  I dunno, why don't you tell me? I'd love to hear your thoughts please. 
