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Saturday 31 December 2016

Hate to see you go, Love to watch you leave (Repost)

So today marks the end of the year 2016 at exactly 00:00 hours; count down's begun and it's time to close our books and usher in the new year.
Yo! Hands up in the air if you're excited to see 2016 end. I pretty much am. 
Share with us, how was your 2016? Did you meet all of your goals? Like, all of 'em? Did you? Did you not? Did you lose the weight? Save more money? Laughed more? Lived more? Well whatever your response is, you did fine and that you're alive to see year's end is proof. In my previous post, I borrowed a movie line about not ticking your last tock and tocking your last tick. Well, it's true. Go on ticking until you run out of ticks. Oops, didn't mean to sound dreary.

Don't have much to say but as a family here at AsC, we say thank you for being there, for reading, for your feedback and above all, for sticking with us on this journey. We love you.

Before I sign out, here are a few highlights of 2016 in adniLs cornerville in case you missed them:

  • Here we're introduced to Ztembe and her workers' tale in Monday Moaners' Club
  • Here's Ana in Journal of a Missionary Wife
  • And in pieces of me, we have the Frank Friday entries
  • And our first ever debut guest post. Yaay, pretty much pumped about that one and lemme use the opportunity to encourage anyone that might have a write up to share with us. We'd love to feature you on here, feel free to contact us at
So that's that, there are much more but I said 'highlights' so stick around and search out this treasure land for yourselves.
Happy new year's eve friends.


Photo Credt: A friend

Friday 30 December 2016

Frank Friday: Alice Through the Looking Glass

Hello there, how's the holidays been? 
As for myself, I've been indoors reuniting with my movie self where I stumbled upon 'Alice through the looking glass' and upon the phrase; 'you have not ticked your last tock and tocked your last tick' *insertmentalgiggleshere*. For some reason I find it very funny but there's a valid message there. 

So, lemme give you the low down of what I've been up to;

  • At last minute, I decided to go down to the family home to spend the Christmas break. I had initially thought I was...well, let's forget that since it didn't happen.
  • Christmas came calling, answered the door unlike this young lady here๐Ÿ‘‡

  • Then spent the rest of the day and the days that followed indoors eating and watching movies amongst other things (I'd rather not say) until a friend dragged me out.

Well, I just made this post to say that you have not ticked your last tock nor tocked your last tick. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚
Peace out.

Photo Credit:

Wednesday 28 December 2016

Who am I? - Annie

I've had 'Annie's' 'Who am I?' on repeat all day and it's doing a lot. It's put me in a sober mood basically that I don't feel like talking or doing anything other than think.

I'm enjoying this weather BTW sans the dust. It's nights like this I miss my hot blankie. Yeah, I once had a blankie that was electrically powered. I miss it.

I love this song.

Make every second count.

P.S: I actually came across a news item that's put me in this mood. I really need to keep away from the news but what's going on really?

God help us all.

Photo Credit:

Thursday 22 December 2016

To the lady in the long skirt...

To the lady in the long skirt

I see you daily
You in your flowing long skirts
Not minding that such's practically gone extinct
Yet you carry on
Like your flowing locks of hair

To the lady in the long skirt
I like your attire
Clothed in modesty's best
I'd like to be you
I'm glad I'm you

Your flowing long skirts to me
Represent unconformity
They speak to me
They tell me that I don't need to cater to society's standards of beautification or adornment

They tell deep things

They tell me that I don't need to be naked
To feel loved
That I don't need to go unclad
To be admired

You young lady are brave
You are strong
And I admire you

To the lady in the long skirt
Despite the ridicule
And the laughter
And the name calling
Keep being you

To the lady in the long skirt
You're the girl after my heart
Rock on girl
Don't believe the lie that you're outdated
And old-fashioned
And out of touch
And not fashion forward
Rock on girl
With your long flowing skirts

This is to that lady in the long flowing skirt...