
Monday, 22 February 2016

Managing Expectations

I have learnt from experience that the only way to avoid been disappointed is to expect nothing from no one. Expectations are breeding grounds for disappointments which in turn produces resentment and bitterness (should they be unmet) in varying degrees depending on how one longed for such expectations to be met. 

The disappointment that results from unmet expectations can be fatal (again depending on the degree of longing), they can plunge one into spiralling wells of depression and in some cases, disillusionment.

Here's a fact, the world owes you nothing. Personally, this has become some sort of mantra, that way, I am grounded and not walk around with a sense of entitlement thereby setting myself up for a date at disappointmentville.

I am responsible for my feelings. I am responsible for my happiness. I am responsible for my success. I am responsible for my well-being. Knowing all of these would also help us to deal with our issues and stop us from looking at others to fix us or transferring those "virtues" you'd like to see in yourself onto others.

This would also reduce the strain we tend to put people under in living up to expectations which most of the time are downright outrageous- absurdities.

Have you tried living life the way you expect your neighbour to? Have you tried fixing that stuff by yourself first before expecting a le boo to help you do so? Are you happy/in love/ at peace with yourself? It's the little things that matter. 

I believe taking charge of one's circumstances is key. That way, you expect less from people as you hold yourself responsible for your actions or inactions and its consequences. I drum that into my head every time I feel a sense of entitlement creeping up.

Remembering this helps you focus on the things that matter. Having unreasonably high expectations is setting yourself up for a series of disappointments. 

Now it might seem I'm dishing up contrasting advice but by all means, have expectations. What's life without looking forward to certain things aye? So go ahead and have your expectations but review them from time to time. Do they make sense? Are they attainable? Are they humanly possible? 

Basically, managing expectations' a balancing act that involves the fine art of juggling and rejuggling preconceived notions, ideas and mindsets. 

I'm sure there are others like myself who may have had other worldly expectations for ourselves and for others forgetting that we're inherently flawed. There's no perfect person out there I'm sorry to say. So, lets tender our very high expectations with mercy, you ain't Pip you know.

Again, the world owes you nothing, nada, zilch, nil, zero, naught. Smile.

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