
Sunday, 6 November 2016

Sunday Special: Journal of a Missionary Wife V

Hi there journal,

it's moi Ana, sure you know that. Well, here I am checking in. Today's sermon was really something and no, I'm not being biased.  Geoff looked so dashing seated at that altar today. I know I'm yet to mention how he got there (the wheelchair i.e) and I'm not so certain I'd be telling anytime soon. It still hurts that's why and I'm not so sure I'd like to revisit those memories, no.

Looking at him today, you wouldn't believe what he's had to go through. My Geoff's always been much stronger than I. Always has. God's been good to us I must confess. So, kids or no kids, I am dedicated to serving Him all the days of my life.

So journal, here's saying bye to all of my griping about starting a family. I sometimes ask myself what sort of life they'd have considering all of our non-stop movement. Well, over to You master of mine, Thou knowest best.

Bye journal.

Oh, I've got exciting news, I'm embarking on a new project. Geoff's feeling much better now and is beginning to get irritated by my constant hovering. He no longer needs me obviously and I no longer need him too (two can play that game lol). So! Get readyyy project of mine...
Take charge Lord.

Friday, 4 November 2016

Frank Friday: I Gotta Feeling (November 6th)

Geez, hi guys. This inconsistency bug that keeps getting into me is just darn too strong, I need deliverance I tell you. Hopefully, I'll join the new wave of bloggers that'll make a new year resolution to keep the contents rolling in on a daily basis (each to his/her own).

So, how've we been? How's been the daily grind and hustle? I've been riding on cloud nine ever since November came knocking. Why because, it'll be my birthday in two - really short - days' time and I'm keeping real calm (ice queen things). It's a lie, can't keep calm else I won't be talking writing about it *biggrin*

I just came on here to tell ya'll that it's Friday and that it's time to unwind. Yeah, forget about the trials of the week, forget about the friend that failed to fulfill a promise, forget about the economy, forget about the bills to pay, forget about the peanuts you call salary. Yeah, fogerrit all and just focus on today, on now, on this very moment.

I'm learning the art of mindfulness, that is, being present and I tell you, it isn't easy. The very little success I've managed to achieve so far, I'm so celebrating it cos if that weren't so, I'd probably be worrying about the fact that I can't celebrate this year's birthday but who celebration don epp? So, back to the forgetting, fogerrit all broda, sista.

On being mindful, it didn't turn out the way I'd thought it would not that I'm not making progress cos I so am but it wasn't as easy as I'd thought it'd be. I mean, how difficult can it be to focus on the present right? Well, what I failed to do was factor in my errant, wander lust of a mind. 

My mind's prone to daydreaming and creating up myriad of fantasies so I tend to wander off along side it most times and it's almost always fun in there. It sometimes seems like it's got a mind of its own, you know, another mind of hers minding her (now I'm confused). Well, it just keeps racing on and on (always without me cos I don't race, I stroll) without nary a pause, whew.

It's really trying keeping it in check. No wonder I'm almost always exhausted, cos I'm always running after a naughty mind that won't be still. Well, since we're stuck with each other, I guess it wouldn't hurt to practice mindfulness every now and then. Aiite, I'm done here, you have a swell weekend and...

...nice talking to ya'll.
Peace and cakes.
Back to my 'ohms'.
SOTD (Song of the day) - 'I gotta feeling'...

Photo Credit: Shutterstock